Venus Conjunct Mercury (May 9, 2011)

Aphrodite embraces Her­mes in a week long dance of the plan­ets. Because of the recent Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, Venus has “caught up” with Mer­cury and now pass­es by. But as Mer­cury con­tin­ues to accel­er­ate it will “catch” Venus next Mon­day and so form a sec­ond con­junc­tion with­in a week! This is a rather spe­cial “do-si-do” dance that cel­e­brates the align­ment of your Head and your Heart.…so what can you expect?

Venus\Mercury encour­ages thoughts about beau­ty, and thoughts expressed beau­ti­ful­ly. Your per­cep­tion, appre­ci­a­tion and enjoy­ment of the sub­lime beck­on you now. Take a walk in the woods or a gar­den, vis­it a muse­um, enjoy a per­for­mance; lis­ten with your heart and sing with your soul. Tru­ly this is a time to cel­e­brate the splen­dor of your uni­verse, with­in and without.

With Venus com­ing across Mer­cury, your mind is calmed by Aphrodite’s sooth­ing balm of love; con­sid­er­a­tion for oth­ers tem­pers your thoughts and the way in which you share them. The cre­ative force becomes man­i­fest through the beau­ti­ful idea, which in turn becomes the foun­da­tion for a more per­fect reality.

Sing a song, write a poem.…and tell your beloved that they are beautiful.

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