Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods, the “fleet-footed” one, overtakes Aphrodite and bestows a gift in passing. Remember it was just last Monday that Venus passed over Mercury; today Mercury catches Aphrodite…we are dancing a “do-si-do” indeed!
Now Hermes calls the tune as he brings steadied thoughts to your appreciation of the beautiful; listen for the message that he brings from the Sun. The Solar Logos, the manifested Light of the light that is within you, calls upon you to remember that the source of value/beauty, the true fountain-source of love, is to be found within yourself. The light that is within you is a spark of the Divine; it is that which connects you to every other part of this Universe. The true source of your value, of your love, of your potential to be fulfilled, is that you and all of creation are sparks of the divine; we are all lights of the Light. You are truly of One Mind, One Love, and One Spirit.
Hermes timing could not be more perfect as he prepares you for the great blessing of tomorrow, the Full Moon of Taurus, the Buddha Moon! This is one of the most sacred events in the calendar year; you follow the “Shining One” who has walked the path that you are still upon. As you approach this sacred event, another message of illumination is offered by one of our planetary companions.
While Mercury and Venus dance their dance today, the gentle voice of Neptune, the planet of imagination, illumination and transcendence whispers to them both. She is moving through her home sign of Pisces and bestows her blessings upon your inner companions.
To Mercury, Neptune offers the wisdom that in order to perceive the truth you have to remove your blinders and see what has always been there. Wash away your illusions with Neptunian trans-lucidity.
To Venus, Neptune offers the wisdom that in order to hold the truth you have to remove your shadow and see that you have always been loved. Wash away your fears with Neptunian compassion.
Now, turn to the heavens and pay homage to all those who have shown the way. For tomorrow is the day of the Full Moon and we should all bow our heads and acknowledge the continuing sacrifice that has been made for us all.