Mercury Conjunct Venus while Mercury & Venus Sextile Neptune (May 16, 2011)

Her­mes, the Mes­sen­ger of the Gods, the “fleet-foot­ed” one, over­takes Aphrodite and bestows a gift in pass­ing. Remem­ber it was just last Mon­day that Venus passed over Mer­cury; today Mer­cury catch­es Aphrodite…we are danc­ing a “do-si-do” indeed!

Now Her­mes calls the tune as he brings stead­ied thoughts to your appre­ci­a­tion of the beau­ti­ful; lis­ten for the mes­sage that he brings from the Sun. The Solar Logos, the man­i­fest­ed Light of the light that is with­in you, calls upon you to remem­ber that the source of value/beauty, the true foun­tain-source of love, is to be found with­in your­self. The light that is with­in you is a spark of the Divine; it is that which con­nects you to every oth­er part of this Uni­verse. The true source of your val­ue, of your love, of your poten­tial to be ful­filled, is that you and all of cre­ation are sparks of the divine; we are all lights of the Light. You are tru­ly of One Mind, One Love, and One Spirit.

Her­mes tim­ing could not be more per­fect as he pre­pares you for the great bless­ing of tomor­row, the Full Moon of Tau­rus, the Bud­dha Moon! This is one of the most sacred events in the cal­en­dar year; you fol­low the “Shin­ing One” who has walked the path that you are still upon. As you approach this sacred event, anoth­er mes­sage of illu­mi­na­tion is offered by one of our plan­e­tary companions.

While Mer­cury and Venus dance their dance today, the gen­tle voice of Nep­tune, the plan­et of imag­i­na­tion, illu­mi­na­tion and tran­scen­dence whis­pers to them both. She is mov­ing through her home sign of Pisces and bestows her bless­ings upon your inner companions.

To Mer­cury, Nep­tune offers the wis­dom that in order to per­ceive the truth you have to remove your blind­ers and see what has always been there. Wash away your illu­sions with Nep­tun­ian trans-lucidity.

To Venus, Nep­tune offers the wis­dom that in order to hold the truth you have to remove your shad­ow and see that you have always been loved. Wash away your fears with Nep­tun­ian compassion.

Now, turn to the heav­ens and pay homage to all those who have shown the way. For tomor­row is the day of the Full Moon and we should all bow our heads and acknowl­edge the con­tin­u­ing sac­ri­fice that has been made for us all.

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