Sun Enters Gemini (May 21, 2011)

First came Aries, you expe­ri­enced “I AM”.

Then came Tau­rus, you expe­ri­enced “I HAVE”.

Now, as you dance through Gem­i­ni you are to focus on the expe­ri­ence “I THINK”, (there­fore “I AM”).

For the next 30 days the core spir­i­tu­al les­son is upon the devel­op­ment of your mind as it seeks to relate to the world with­in and with­out. Gem­i­ni is all about net­work­ing; it rules your ner­vous sys­tem, your intel­lec­tu­al fac­ul­ties, your com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills…it rules inter-con­nec­tiv­i­ty. You have moved from Fire in Aries, to Earth in Tau­rus, and now you extend your­self through the first of the Air Signs.

The ele­ment of Air is all about Mind, Intel­lect, Ideas…it is about the devel­op­ment of Self-Con­scious­ness. Self-aware­ness is prob­a­bly one of the most dis­tin­guish­ing fea­tures of your evolv­ing Spir­it. The pow­er of your mind is not to be mea­sured by its stor­age capac­i­ty, (it is not how much you know, how many megabytes of stor­age you have), rather, it is how well you “think”, (it is about your proces­sor!). One of the prin­ci­ple gifts of your mind is the abil­i­ty to exam­ine what­ev­er is before you in such a man­ner that you come to per­ceive it from as many dif­fer­ent “angles” as possible.

Each angle or point of view is like a facet of a prism or lens through which you look out upon the world around you. When you bring your aware­ness to bear through one such lens it is as if you are shin­ing a very bright light upon the object of your aware­ness. It is illuminated.…but there are also shad­ows, and dark spaces that remain unlit. So, you need to shift your per­spec­tive, make new assump­tions and so cre­ate anoth­er lens to see with. By doing this you can even­tu­al­ly cre­ate a more com­plete under­stand­ing of what is before you.

This is one of the prin­ci­ple gifts of Gem­i­ni, the gift of men­tal adapt­abil­i­ty. It is the source of your inge­nu­ity and prob­lem solv­ing, your tool-mak­ing pow­ers and crit­i­cal aware­ness. Ulti­mate­ly, it is your means towards the devel­op­ment of knowledge…and that knowl­edge can be passed on. This gift of Gem­i­ni is the foun­tain-source for the devel­op­ment of Civ­i­liza­tion. The foun­da­tion for it all is this process of build­ing a net­work of asso­ci­at­ed expe­ri­ences, of see­ing the whole world as a net­work of rela­tion­ships between you and the world around you.

Cel­e­brate this next step in the jour­ney of life-con­scious­ness-spir­it; mov­ing ever onward you reach for the under­stand­ing of who, what, when, where and how. You seek to know, by going out and going in, and then you repeat.

Remem­ber always, in every step, and at every stage in your jour­ney, there is but one injunction:

Know Thy­self!

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