Sun Square Neptune (May 22, 2011)

Dream­ing dreams, slip­ping through the bound­aries with­in and with­out; this is most cer­tain­ly not a time of cer­tain­ty! But it is a won­drous time for Creativity!

The Sun rules your­self; it is the source of all your poten­tial­i­ties. Nep­tune rules your dreams; it is the pow­er that dis­solves your real­i­ty in order to show you a greater one. With the Sun mov­ing through the log­i­cal, rea­son­able and ratio­nal sign of Gem­i­ni, Nep­tune’s Square from the mys­ti­cal sign of Pisces is a chal­lenge. That is what squares are for; you have to find a way to inte­grate two seem­ing­ly dis­parate energies.

While the Sun is in Gem­i­ni, rea­son rules the day. You seek to under­stand what­ev­er is before you and place it into a log­i­cal struc­ture of thought. You need to name, cat­e­go­rize and build your world of facts. It is so com­fort­ing to know your world.

Now along comes Nep­tune singing her siren song, of mys­te­ri­ous depths, of cas­tles in the sky, of wheels with­in wheels.…what is real­ly real any­way, she sings, and you real­ize that things are not as they seemed. You become uncer­tain, confused…which is exact­ly what you need.

Cer­tain­ty is over-rat­ed; cer­tain­ty is an illu­sion. Nep­tune shows you that there are many real­i­ties, many lay­ers to your world, and would­n’t you like to play in a more won­drous world? Of course you would, but leaps of faith are, well they are leaps.

Nep­tune reminds you that the core of your spir­it, of your nev­er-end­ing growth is your dream­ing mind. You are becom­ing more than you were, you are unfold­ing your poten­tials from with­in your­self, and the key to this is your imagination.

So, do not wor­ry about your confusion…it is only a pas­sage, a means to the way to your greater spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing. You are becom­ing more than you can imagine…now leap!


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