Daily Archives: May 22, 2011

Venus Conjunct Mars (May 23, 2011)

Well, you had bet­ter have roman­tic plans for today! When the God­dess of Love meets with the God of Desire, well let’s just say this Uni­verse exists because it too desired to meet its beloved.

Venus rules val­ue. The mea­sure of val­ue in the world for you is to be found with­in your­self in your hier­ar­chy of val­ues. This hier­ar­chy is based upon and cre­at­ed by that one spe­cial val­ue, the core val­ue known as your self-worth, the val­ue you have of your­self. And, this is fun­da­men­tal­ly and quite sim­ply cre­at­ed by one truth, from your love of your “self”, the first beloved. That love is there and uncon­di­tion­al because at the core of your “self” is a spark of the divine, which makes you and all of cre­ation part of one great Life-Consciousness-Spirit. 

This is the true source of all val­ue and love in this uni­verse; that all of cre­ation springs from one Spir­i­tu­al source, and so all are held togeth­er in this expe­ri­ence of being one of the count­less man­i­fes­ta­tions of that one Great Spir­it. You, and I and all of cre­ation are sparks of this one great Divine Light. We are all relat­ed, all held togeth­er by our love which springs from our being ones of the One.

Mars rules Desire. You and I and all of cre­ation “are” because Spir­it desired to be, it wished to become man­i­fest. From the one Spark of the Divine, the count­less sparks went forth to evolve into and through this Uni­verse. Through all the ages, through all the forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion, you and I encounter one anoth­er and experience…recognition. We smile, we draw close and expe­ri­ence that we are ones of the One. You love one anoth­er because you are one another.

So cel­e­brate today when what you want is there for you. Today Love meets Desire and mag­ic will hap­pen. Love your­self, love another…and smile.