Monthly Archives: May 2011

Venus Conjunct Jupiter & Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (May 11, 2011)

Hip, Hip, Hooray! Here comes a dou­ble dose; Good For­tune & Good News!

Venus, hav­ing just passed over Mer­cury, now catch­es up to Jupiter. Venus is called the “less­er benef­ic” and Jupiter is called the “greater benef­ic”. Put them both togeth­er and you have a potent release of Good Ener­gy. If there ever was a “lucky day” vibra­tion, well this is it! This is the day to take a chance; you nev­er know… But of course with Jupiter, as with any surge of good ener­gy, you have to be care­ful not to over­do it; too much of a good thing is still too much!

Spir­i­tu­al­ly, the con­junc­tion of Venus/Value with Jupiter/Principles offers you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to re-align your per­son­al self with your social self. You are giv­en a chance now to begin anew; to refresh, renew and strength­en the bond between your love of self and your love of another.

The mes­sage of Venus/Jupiter is that the foun­da­tion and foun­tain source of love is…Trust that is shared.

Mean­while, just behind Venus, here comes Mer­cury pass­ing over Jupiter today. Mer­cury rules thoughts and com­mu­ni­ca­tions and the align­ment with Jupiter, well let’s just say today is a day for THINKING BIG! Some­times you are bet­ter at focus­ing upon the details, and some days you do bet­ter with the big pic­ture. But today you can do it all, the micro and the macro. Again, as with any con­tact with Jupiter, you have to watch out for, well for too much.…So, though your mind is very pos­i­tive and enthu­si­as­tic today, be care­ful not to over­promise, over sell or sim­ply say too much.

Spir­i­tu­al­ly, this meet­ing of Mercury/Mind with Jupiter/Principles cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty to re-align your low­er mind (of obser­va­tion and data points) with your high­er mind (of Prin­ci­ples, Phi­los­o­phy and Truth). Jupiter is here remind­ing Mer­cury that those things you call “facts” are not “things in them­selves”; instead, they are cre­at­ed, shaped and expressed by your belief sys­tem, by your point of view. You are offered a chance here to re-exam­ine, re-affirm and re-con­nect your beliefs/assumptions with your facts.

The les­son of Mercury/Jupiter is that by re-align­ing your own mind you will cre­ate the pos­si­bil­i­ty of right under­stand­ing between your­self and anoth­er. First you must seek to know your­self bet­ter, to know how you are cre­at­ing your real­i­ty-view. Then true under­stand­ing between your­self and anoth­er will be cre­at­ed by agree­ing to a com­mon set of shared beliefs, prin­ci­ples and truths.

The mes­sage of Mercury/Jupiter is that the foun­da­tion and foun­tain source of com­mu­ni­ca­tion is…Wisdom that is shared. 

Mars Enters Taurus (May 11, 2011)

It is time to slow down, smell the ros­es (lit­er­al­ly) and remem­ber that haste makes waste. Mars moves into the sen­su­al earth sign of Tau­rus and you need to enjoy touch­ing, tast­ing, hearing…really do any­thing that con­nects you to the real and makes you happy.

Actions become more focused, ground­ed and though you are slowed down there is a sense that real pro­duc­tiv­i­ty is now at hand. For the next 40 days it is time to dance the dance of fruit­ful­ness, boun­ty and plea­sure. Take off your shoes, feel the earth…as a show­er pass­es by, smell the earth…as the fruit ripens on the vine, taste the earth.

Cel­e­brate the Earth, your moth­er. With Mars in Tau­rus you can act through earth now and make some­thing beau­ti­ful, make some­thing lasting.…create some­thing wor­thy of you.

Move towards stability…build towards security…reach towards your destiny.

Venus Conjunct Mercury (May 9, 2011)

Aphrodite embraces Her­mes in a week long dance of the plan­ets. Because of the recent Mer­cury ret­ro­grade, Venus has “caught up” with Mer­cury and now pass­es by. But as Mer­cury con­tin­ues to accel­er­ate it will “catch” Venus next Mon­day and so form a sec­ond con­junc­tion with­in a week! This is a rather spe­cial “do-si-do” dance that cel­e­brates the align­ment of your Head and your Heart.…so what can you expect?

Venus\Mercury encour­ages thoughts about beau­ty, and thoughts expressed beau­ti­ful­ly. Your per­cep­tion, appre­ci­a­tion and enjoy­ment of the sub­lime beck­on you now. Take a walk in the woods or a gar­den, vis­it a muse­um, enjoy a per­for­mance; lis­ten with your heart and sing with your soul. Tru­ly this is a time to cel­e­brate the splen­dor of your uni­verse, with­in and without.

With Venus com­ing across Mer­cury, your mind is calmed by Aphrodite’s sooth­ing balm of love; con­sid­er­a­tion for oth­ers tem­pers your thoughts and the way in which you share them. The cre­ative force becomes man­i­fest through the beau­ti­ful idea, which in turn becomes the foun­da­tion for a more per­fect reality.

Sing a song, write a poem.…and tell your beloved that they are beautiful.

New Moon in Taurus (May 3, 2011)

Turning…Slower…Deeper…Stronger. The life-con­scious­ness-spir­it ener­gies, which were released at the Aries New Moon one month ago, must become sub­stan­tial now. What start­ed as pure spir­it-fire, as “dream­ing-ways”, has now to become “being-ways” in Taurus.

Each New Moon releas­es the seed-forms for that sign. Each New Moon builds upon what came before and pre­pares the way for the next unfold­ment in your spir­i­tu­al jour­ney. Your life jour­ney is nei­ther a line nor a circle…it is a spi­ral dance of consciousness…unfolding, seek­ing and under­stand­ing, step by step, sign by sign.

Here, at your sec­ond step, the “Inspi­ra­tion-al” ener­gies of Aries, which leapt forth into myr­i­ad lines of activ­i­ty, are to be turned, shaped and guid­ed into mean­ing­ful and beau­ti­ful forms under the aegis of Venus, the plan­et of Tau­rus. Venus, the plan­et of Val­ue, Form and Beau­ty takes your ideas/ideals and fix­es them into forms of sub­stan­tial manifestation.

Here at the New Moon of Tau­rus, your ide­al must become real, tan­gi­ble and ground­ed; you seek not the ide­al of beau­ty, but beau­ty incar­nate. All of your sens­es are engaged: Taste, Smell, Touch, Hear­ing and Sight. Whether it is the smell of the ocean, the vision of a sun­rise or sun­set, the touch of your lover’s caress, these and so many more are what must be expe­ri­enced in the sen­su­al world that is Tau­rus. This is the sign that delights in Earth­i­ness; it is the time to expe­ri­ence the Boun­ti­ful Uni­verse, the Peace­ful Garden.

So, at this New Moon of Tau­rus cel­e­brate Fer­til­i­ty, Boun­ti­ful­ness, and Grace. Cel­e­brate your val­ue; it is this expe­ri­ence of your Val­ue that is your pri­ma­ry task in this cycle.

Man­i­fest your Val­ue by being the cre­ator who releas­es the Cre­ator. So be it.