Monthly Archives: June 2011

New Moon in Cancer — Solar Eclipse (July 1, 2011)

Anoth­er event cov­ered in my overview for 2011, this is what I wrote then:

Back to back Solar Eclipses adds an urgent tone to the mes­sages from the stars. This time the New Moon is in Can­cer, and the new begin­nings for how we can secure our lives requires we more deeply under­stand where secu­ri­ty real­ly comes from first.

In addi­tion I would add the following:

As I not­ed for the New Moon of June 1, dur­ing an “Eclipse New Moon a shad­ow (the past) falls upon you”. That means you have to remove, or move past, that blind spot and uncov­er what is hid­den in order to tru­ly under­stand the mes­sage released by this New Moon.

The Can­cer part of your jour­ney takes you with­in, down to the roots of your being; you reach and secure your center…you fol­low your feel­ings. The Can­cer New Moon binds you back to the famil­iar, to the fam­i­ly, and all those expe­ri­ences which affirm your sense of being whole in your­self, yet part of a greater whole­ness too: fam­i­ly, vil­lage, community…The New Moon in Can­cer cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty to refresh your­self at this well­spring of your exis­tence; and at the truest cen­ter point you feel and affirm the Great Truth, you are one with the One.

But the eclipse puts a shad­ow across the path; there is some­thing that is hid­ing the mes­sage, some­thing you must under­stand about your past before you can refresh your­self at the foun­tain-source of your being. The shad­ow that falls across you now (as always) is…fear. Fear is what comes between you and your becom­ing, between you and your destiny. 

The shad­ow that falls, the fear for Can­cer, is that you do not belong, that you are not embraced…that you have been aban­doned. This is the dark­ness that you must con­front now before you can refresh your soul in the waters of feeling.

This fear comes from the past, from a time and a real expe­ri­ence when you felt uncar­ed for, unconnected…alone. It is not of this time, but is car­ried by the Moon to the present to remind you what this feels like. Why? …So that you may remem­ber and so know what you must do.

You must turn to anoth­er now, anoth­er who feels alone or aban­doned here today, you must hold them, embrace them and demon­strate the truth that they, you, we are nev­er alone.…not ever.

You con­front this echo of false­hood with the light of your life now; your liv­ing pres­ence of shared feel­ings, under­stand­ing and love stands as a tes­ta­ment. The com­pas­sion you feel now breaks up the shad­ows of your past and the pain of the one before you today.

The shad­ow, the past, has no hold over you, a shin­ing one who lives in the Truth that you are nev­er alone; you are always con­nect­ed and will always be cared for because you stand in the light…you are the Light.

Shine on!

Sun Opposition Pluto (June 28, 2011)

Uh oh!  It’s anoth­er test of Will. The chal­lenge will appear out there, between you and anoth­er (or oth­ers). But, as always, the test lies with­in though it appears to come from with­out. You are always upon the path of self-knowl­edge and self-mas­tery; so know that all these tests that are put before you are nec­es­sary for your self-unfoldment.

You began this cycle of will in late Decem­ber, when you had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reaf­firm that will, your free will, is depen­dent upon your self-knowl­edge. The more unaware of your­self or the world around you, the more “fat­ed” will your life be, things will just “hap­pen” to you. And the more you come into the knowl­edge of your­self (and the world around you), you will then have that much more free will to exer­cise in your life, you will make things happen.

Now you face a rev­e­la­tion, now you see how free and will­ful you are. It is not whether you are stronger than the oth­er. No, the ques­tion is (always) how much self-con­trol or self-will have you mas­tered? For the issue of will, of your free will, is the under­stand­ing you have about bound­aries and tres­pass­ing and your sense of the sacred.

The space that you call your “self”, well that is a very sacred space, it is your space for unfold­ing the light with­in, for “becom­ing the becom­ing”. And that is also so for every oth­er evolv­ing con­scious­ness in this uni­verse. You devel­op your will so as to cre­ate a bound­ary around your sacred space, your “self”, as you inter­act with the oth­er wills in your world, as they must do likewise.

Your unfold­ing will leads to ever greater self-con­trol and self-deter­mi­na­tion that is reflect­ed out­ward­ly in your respect for the bound­aries of oth­ers. You come to under­stand that the only con­trol that mat­ters, the only con­trol that is true and last­ing, is self-con­trol. All else is illusion.

If some­one attempts to push, manip­u­late or guilt you to do some­thing, (well shame on them for that is tres­pass­ing), you move away, you put space between them and you. And like­wise you must restrain your­self, even for the very best inten­tions, from attempt­ing to force anoth­er to do what­ev­er you might think is best for them (or you). Hope­ful­ly, for your sake, you will fail in the attempt.

Instead, turn your sacred pow­er of will back upon your­self so as to con­tin­ue your jour­ney of self-dis­cov­ery, cre­ativ­i­ty and under­stand­ing. And, by your exam­ple, encour­age oth­ers to do the same.

It is this devel­op­ment of free will and sacred spaces that is at the very heart of the jour­ney for Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

This is its Destiny…which is your Des­tiny. So be it. 

Mars Sextile Uranus (June 27, 2011)

You are real­ly show­ing some sparkle today! And so you should. Mars has been trip­ping through Gem­i­ni, encour­ag­ing your inge­nu­ity, intel­li­gence and agili­ty. Now Uranus comes around to add a touch of orig­i­nal­i­ty, inven­tive­ness and creativity.

Mars rules the ways in which you act to ful­fill your­self. You are expe­ri­enc­ing more flex­i­bil­i­ty in Gem­i­ni, com­par­ing, con­trast­ing and try­ing dif­fer­ent approach­es, meth­ods and solu­tions. If one approach does not work, you piv­ot and try anoth­er. Nim­ble (and quick), that’s Gemini.

Uranus now adds a flash of insight (or inspi­ra­tion), that takes your intel­li­gent adapt­abil­i­ty to new heights. Uranus is “the road less tak­en”, the out­sider with the unique view­point; Uranus shifts your focus beyond the bina­ry real­i­ty of either/or.

Uranus with Mars leads you to the “third way”. You are freed from the ordi­nary pat­terns and solu­tions; you move into new and unex­plored path­ways, dis­cov­er­ies and delights. It leads you inward to a deep­er real­iza­tion of your orig­i­nal­i­ty. It leads you out­ward to a greater expe­ri­ence of being a cre­ator. Uranus is the Awak­en­er who leads you to the path­ways of freedom.

Try some­thing new. Cel­e­brate orig­i­nal­i­ty. Dance the dance of the Creator.

It is time to Be Yourself.

It is your Destiny.

Sun Square Uranus (June 26, 2011)

Did you feel that? That was some bump (or nudge, or shake…or some­thing). What is that? It almost feels.…well it almost feels shocking.

Oh, that’s just Uranus throw­ing down some jolts to your sense of self. With the Sun mov­ing through Can­cer, you have been very focused upon secu­ri­ty, prac­ti­cal needs, feel­ings and fam­i­ly since June 21.

Uranus in Aries comes along to remind you that, well that’s fine, that’s fine to focus on your roots and secu­ri­ty and all; but what about your Inde­pen­dence, Ide­al­ism and Originality…what about your Free­dom? That’s the song Uranus is singing now and you bet­ter pay attention.

When­ev­er you face a square you often feel as if you are torn between two oppo­site ways of being or act­ing. You feel you must choose; to do one and deny the oth­er. So you must decide between: secu­ri­ty or inde­pen­dence, prac­ti­cal­i­ty or idealism.

But the path of the spir­i­tu­al war­rior is the path of inte­gra­tion. The greater way, the Noble Path, is to see that each of these truths depends upon the oth­er for its own exis­tence. You need your sense of cen­ter from which you pro­ceed out­ward and so extend your orig­i­nal­i­ty into the world. And the growth of that Indi­vid­ual Self is then brought back to your roots, to enrich the core ele­ments that pro­vide you with that very sense of rootedness.

The chal­lenge, real­ly, is not in how to make a choice between one or the oth­er. The chal­lenge is to be more con­scious, to be a liv­ing pres­ence that is attuned to the whole of your spir­i­tu­al unfold­ment. You must hon­or all aspects of your­self and so main­tain a dynam­ic bal­anc­ing of these and oth­er ele­ments in your life

This align­ment, the square of Sun and Uranus, says that right now you will feel that these two sets of truths are out of bal­ance and you need to adjust. Take the mid­dle path, the “Red Road”…Do not over­re­act and cling to secu­ri­ty or assert absolute inde­pen­dence. Lis­ten to your high­er self, your calmer self, the watch­er who is always wait­ing to assist you.

Your watch­er will whis­per: Hon­or your roots for it is that “source song” which car­ries you from begin­ning to end, from life to life. Hon­or your unfold­ing self­hood, your own spe­cial essence, by mod­u­lat­ing, mold­ing and cre­at­ing your own melody with­in the great cho­rus of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Sing on sojourner.…Sing your song.

Sun Sextile Jupiter (June 25, 2011)

Today you will find that “luck” is on your side; it is a very good day to make progress with plan­ning and deci­sions that will lead you towards greater self-ful­fill­ment. Back in ear­ly April you start­ed a new cycle of growth; now that growth is sta­bi­liz­ing, solid­i­fy­ing, securing…growth is becom­ing tan­gi­ble now.

The Sun rules your “self”; it is your pure poten­tial seek­ing to real­ize itself in the world. Jupiter rules the ways in which you relate to your world; it is your prin­ci­ples, truths and beliefs. The Sun is your Essence; Jupiter is your Becoming.

You are here to grow, to unfold your poten­tial from your Sun, to real­ize your des­tiny as you “Become the Becom­ing”. To do this you extend your­self, reach out through Jupiter to…to those who jour­ney with you. Your unfold­ment and growth and their unfold­ment and growth hap­pen togeth­er; it hap­pens because, and with, and through one another.

That is why the secret to your growth…what Jupiter is real­ly about.…is Gen­eros­i­ty. The Spir­i­tu­al Law is: “To those who give, more shall be given”…so that they may con­tin­ue to give. This is one of the car­di­nal prin­ci­ples of what you expe­ri­ence as the “Law of Kar­ma”, of cause and effect.

Your growth, your unfold­ment, is found­ed, extend­ed and ful­filled by being on a jour­ney of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it with all the oth­er sparks of the divine who accom­pa­ny you. You can­not and will not be sep­a­rat­ed one from anoth­er for the entire­ty of this jour­ney. You jour­ney togeth­er, grow togeth­er and ful­fill your des­tinies through one another.

What­ev­er you give…is what will come back to you…so be Gen­er­ous to the oth­er, be Gen­er­ous to yourself. 

Ful­fill your destiny…to be a star amongst the Stars…reveal the shin­ing one within. 

Be Gen­er­ous!

So be it.