Daily Archives: June 1, 2011

Mercury Enters Gemini & Neptune Turns Retrograde (June 2, 2011)

Her­mes skips into his own sign of Gem­i­ni. For the next two weeks you will be think­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing with greater élan, eager­ness and excitabil­i­ty. Those neu­rons are fir­ing at a fever­ish pace and there is no telling what you might think (or say!). This is the time to cel­e­brate your intel­li­gence; enjoy men­tal chal­lenges, express your curios­i­ty and stretch your awareness.

Of course, every­one else is also men­tal­ly fired up so there is bound to be lots of infor­ma­tion fly­ing around. The Ques­tion is: how do you fil­ter out all the noise? Per­haps Nep­tune can lend a hand by remind­ing you that the high­er, intu­itive mind pro­vides the means to dis­cern the wheat from the chaff.

Nep­tune turns ret­ro­grade today until Novem­ber 9th. Plan­ets chang­ing direc­tion bring their ener­gies into sharp focus. Nep­tune rules your dreams, imag­i­na­tion and faith. Nep­tune is said to rule the pow­er that is called clair­voy­ance or “clear-see­ing”. That is because Nep­tune rules your abil­i­ty to expe­ri­ence the spir­i­tu­al truth that the cos­mos is com­posed of innu­mer­able mul­ti-dimen­sion­al real­i­ties; you real­ly exist in a mul­ti-verse more than a uni­verse. The ret­ro­grade motion directs Nep­tune’s ener­gies more inward; you have the lucid­i­ty to tran­scend your own per­cep­tu­al bias­es and reach deep­er lev­els of awareness.

The insight that Nep­tune pro­vides enables you to pierce through the illu­sion­ary, sur­face appear­ances and dis­cov­er under­ly­ing truths about your­self and your world. By using your imag­i­na­tion you can rise above the “dilem­ma of dichoto­my”, of see­ing things as either one way or anoth­er. Instead, you can begin to devel­op the wis­dom that leads to heal­ing the divi­sions between oppos­ing points of view.

Make today a day for renew­ing your pur­suit of your dreams, for draw­ing upon your cre­ative gift of imag­i­na­tion, and for con­nect­ing with your faith in your abil­i­ty to be the cre­ator of your life. What­ev­er you can imagine.…will even­tu­al­ly become manifest.

Time to dream Imag­i­neers… Cre­ate well!