Daily Archives: June 4, 2011

Jupiter Enters Taurus (June 4, 2011)

Anoth­er tran­si­tion I spoke of in my Overview for 2011. Here is what I said then and some addi­tion­al thoughts:

Jupiter moves into Tau­rus for a year on June 4. With sol­id foun­da­tions and patience there is tan­gi­ble progress now. There is steady growth and phys­i­cal secu­ri­ty will increase for many. With the end of the Jupiter/Saturn oppo­si­tion, com­bined with the trine of Jupiter and Plu­to lat­er, Jupiter in Tau­rus should cre­ate a much more pos­i­tive result for those economies posi­tioned to ben­e­fit. The gen­er­al US eco­nom­ic fore­cast will be revised upward.

Jove moves into the sec­ond sign of the Zodi­ac. Jupiter, the plan­et of prin­ci­ples, is mov­ing from Ide­al­is­tic Aries to Prac­ti­cal Tau­rus until June 2012. It is not enough to declare “this is what I believe, that this is what I will live by”. Now you must make it real, you must bring prin­ci­ples into prax­is; your truth must take form.

Your beliefs and plans must be ground­ed in phys­i­cal real­i­ty now. A beau­ti­ful the­o­ry is fine, but does it WORK? The dri­ving moti­va­tor now is mate­r­i­al well-being. After the rush of new ideas and projects while in Aries, Jupiter’s sojourn in Tau­rus instills a more grad­ual yet steady approach to cre­at­ing your future. Secu­ri­ty trumps excite­ment; you favor sol­id val­ues over bril­liant promis­es. Con­ser­v­a­tive, prac­ti­cal meth­ods will be in favor now.

The ques­tion hov­er­ing over many is will the mate­r­i­al well-being of the world improve now? But the real ques­tion that Jupiter asks of you is what are you doing to pro­mote, pre­serve and pro­tect the beau­ti­ful world you live upon?