Daily Archives: June 9, 2011

Venus Square Neptune (June 10, 2011)

You can’t always know what you want”…With Nep­tune chal­leng­ing Venus, the ques­tion is how do you know, real­ly know, the val­ue of any­thing (or any­one)? What are the ways you can mea­sure it? Can you be sure that what appears to be the val­ue is accu­rate? More impor­tant­ly, how do you know what is of val­ue to you?

Today you need to be care­ful of promis­es and offers that seem too good to be true…they prob­a­bly are! Remem­ber Nep­tune rules many things, but among them is Illu­sion and Delu­sion. When you want some­thing or some­one to be some­thing for you, and Nep­tune is involved, well you do have the pow­er to make any­thing appear to be “real”, for a while. That is, you can until an unaf­fect­ed per­son in your parade shouts out, “Why, the emper­or has no clothes on at all!” And that won­der­ful fairy sto­ry reveals the key to the mys­tery and an impor­tant lesson.

The trick with Nep­tune is to approach the thing or per­son “like a child”, with no pre­con­cep­tions, no fil­ters, no bias­es. Then, there is a chance, just maybe, that what is tru­ly there will be revealed to you. For that is the oth­er side of Nep­tune. When you work with Nep­tune from a more spir­i­tu­al­ly cen­tered state, Nep­tune is revealed as the pow­er of Illu­mi­na­tion and Insight; it is clair­voy­ance or “clear-see­ing”. But for this pow­er to work your ego-desire has to be put aside; you have to want to see noth­ing at all in order to see what is tru­ly there.

So take up this oppor­tu­ni­ty posed by Nep­tune’s chal­lenge to your expe­ri­ence of val­ue. Let Nep­tune dis­solve away the sur­face appear­ance of val­ue and reveal a deep­er, inner truth about the nature of val­ue in your life. Your jour­ney is both inward and out­ward as you seek to under­stand your pur­pose and cre­ate val­ue in the Universe.

Ulti­mate­ly, the source of your val­ue, and of all val­ues, is to be found in the truth that you and all of cre­ation are sparks of the Divine. Your val­ue is immea­sur­able because it is part of the ever-unfold­ing, nev­er-ceas­ing won­drous dance of Life-Consciousness-Spirit. 

Shine on!