Daily Archives: June 16, 2011

Mercury Trine Neptune & Mercury Sextile Jupiter (June 17, 2011)

Right on the heels of Mer­cury danc­ing into the sen­si­tive depths of Can­cer, this dou­ble align­ment pro­vides a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence ener­gies which sup­port and sus­tain your sense of being cen­tered, of being you.

Nep­tune graces Her­mes with the sub­tiliz­ing inti­ma­tions of your imag­i­na­tion. Ideas, con­cepts and beliefs that have been hard to under­stand, let alone express, now find path­ways inward and outward.

You under­stand your dream…and oth­ers can share in it too. Your mind is lift­ed up, beyond the bounds of appear­ances, as you sense the pres­ence of a greater real­i­ty. It is time to believe, to have faith…and so you shall.

Jove, the Truth-Bear­er brings gifts for Mer­cury too. Too often your mind moves rest­less­ly from one thing to anoth­er, flit­ting about; your ques­tions remain unan­swered, prob­lems only par­tial­ly solved. But today, Jupiter anchors your fleet-foot­ed friend. The bits and pieces come togeth­er in a grand design. You can envis­age the “Big Pic­ture”, yet appre­ci­ate all the mosa­ic pieces that make it up too.

Ideas, plans and projects that have been under­way (or start now) will be more like­ly to pros­per. If you have been wait­ing for the right time to make a decision.…well now you have it! Your mind is cen­tered; your prin­ci­ples sound.

Today is a day for dream­ing. Today is a day for doing.

Cel­e­brate the gifts of Nep­tune and Jupiter as you become the becoming.…So Be It!