Daily Archives: June 17, 2011

Mercury Square Uranus (June 18, 2011)

Mer­cury rounds a cor­ner and crash­es into Uranus. Look out! Uranus will excite your mind, push you beyond the ordi­nary; you might just think, and then shout out…anything! Yes, it will be excep­tion­al. Yes it will shock. But does it lead to growth and understanding?

Mer­cury is sail­ing through Can­cer now; the mind is focused upon secu­ri­ty and sta­bil­i­ty, of find­ing and stay­ing with­in a “com­fort zone”. But Uranus rep­re­sents the “unchart­ed ter­ri­to­ry”, the undis­cov­ered that beck­ons the pio­neer with­in you. It calls to you and rais­es the ban­ner of Free­dom, Inde­pen­dence and Originality.

Mer­cury is call­ing you home­ward; Uranus is urg­ing you to break from “famil­iar”. Okay, so now what do you do? Well, you must see the way through of course. Both are speak­ing truth, of a “way to be”…But the “Way of Becom­ing”, the high­er path, the Truth, requires that you not choose one or the oth­er but find the Way of Inte­gra­tion, of hon­or­ing both of course.

You must come from some­where; you must belong and be part of a greater whole. Fam­i­ly, tribe, neighborhood…your belong­ing pro­vides con­text, binds you back to the roots of your exis­tence. Mer­cury in Can­cer now sings this song of your truth.

You are becom­ing some­thing more, unfold­ing from with­in your­self your “self­ness”, your spe­cial song with­in the great song of Spir­it. To do this you must jour­ney forth and become unique, special…find your own voice. You must become indi­vid­u­at­ed, individualized…yet not “sep­a­rat­ed” from your roots. Uranus in Aries now sings this song of your truth.

The One Truth is that each truth here, Root­ed­ness and Free­dom, can­not be with­out the oth­er. The Truth, your truth, must be the dance of life that cel­e­brates bal­ance in your con­duct in this world.

If you cling to the famil­iar over­much, you will not grow or be pre­pared for the chal­lenges and changes which are part of your jour­ney. If you too adamant­ly rebel against any lim­i­ta­tion, your dis­so­nance will bring only way­ward­ness, alien­ation and loss of meaning.

The chal­lenge for you here is to “not choose”, to nei­ther cling or to break, but to take the high­er path of under­stand­ing. The “mid­dle path”, the “Noble Path” is the path of the spir­i­tu­al war­rior. The bat­tle is always with­in one­self as you seek to over­come the illu­sion of “this or that” and so cre­ate your path to a high­er, more illu­mined lev­el of being.

Sing pil­grim, sing your spe­cial song, that is deeply root­ed, yet beau­ti­ful­ly (because indi­vid­u­al­ly) mod­u­lat­ed, in the great cho­rus that is Spirit.

Sing your song!

Venus Trine Saturn (June 18, 2011)

Venus aligns with Sat­urn, and like the sto­ry of “Beau­ty and The Beast”, you have come to appre­ci­ate that true love is born in the depths of your soul. Sat­urn reminds you that what draws you to one anoth­er is that you have always been togeth­er; you are part of a great hier­ar­chy of souls on a jour­ney of becom­ing. The great illu­sion of life on this phys­i­cal plane is your appar­ent sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er; the Great Truth of Cre­ation is that all come from and abide in the One Spirit.

Through many ages and many forms you meet up with souls you have met before and you expe­ri­ence…recog­ni­tion. You remem­ber this ener­gy, this feel­ing in your heart; an echo of rec­ol­lec­tion with­in you ris­es up and says “Yes, I have felt this way before”. You look in one anoth­er’s eyes and see past your present forms…you remem­ber…and you smile. That sign, that smile, is your con­scious, out­ward expres­sion of this pre­cious inner assurance…“I am not alone, I have found you, again…I remember”.

You are drawn togeth­er because you were nev­er “apart”. You were only unaware, for a time, of who you were, of where you have come from, and whence you are going. But as you come togeth­er again you are remind­ed by your beloved that though this jour­ney be long, and some­times dif­fi­cult beyond mea­sure, you are Nev­er Alone.

So look beyond appear­ances, beyond the shell that cov­ers the glo­ry with­in; look into the eyes of the one before you…and remember…and smile.