Daily Archives: June 18, 2011

Mercury Opposition Pluto (June 19, 2011)

Deep, deep div­ing ahead…You bet­ter get ready to go “beyond the beyond” today because when Her­mes meets Hades, well some­thing is going to emerge, a mat­ter is com­ing to the surface…the vol­cano will erupt, and you bet­ter be pre­pared to open your mind.

This is the cli­max of the Mercury/Pluto cycle and it will come to you in a vis­i­ta­tion (or con­fronta­tion) by anoth­er whose point of view, posi­tion or beliefs are not aligned with yours. There is a real dif­fer­ence here; and with Plu­to it could turn ugly as a strug­gle is pressed towards the zero-sum option, win or lose, or more like­ly MAD (Mutu­al­ly Assured Destruc­tion) of right thinking.

This time the issue will be posed as a con­fronta­tion between Cancer/Capricorn: between home vs. career, between secu­ri­ty vs. respon­si­bil­i­ty, between feel­ing vs. duty. The truth to be revealed will be found by inte­grat­ing these expe­ri­ences; val­i­dat­ing both sides since each is essen­tial to the other.

Your chal­lenge, of course, as always, is real­ly not “out there”; it is not with the oth­er but with­in your­self that you must be con­cerned. If some­one, or some­thing has got­ten a hold on you, become a fix­a­tion (or obsession)…well, yes, then there is a prob­lem, and it is only being revealed out­ward­ly by this confrontation.

So do not raise your voice in anger, do not dig your­self a deep­er whole of com­pul­sion, defen­sive­ness or fear. First, out­ward­ly if you can, (or inward­ly), thank your “oppo­nent” for this gift, this oppor­tu­ni­ty which brought the issue to fullness.

Then turn your mind’s eye around, back upon your­self, by using the gift of Plu­to, the pow­er of your will. Let Hades lead you down into the cat­a­combs of your mind, to your assump­tions, your opin­ions, your bias­es and compulsions…let Plu­to strip you down. There, the watch­er wait­ing, your high­er self, will show you that the only way to truth is through humil­i­ty, open­ness and love. The only strug­gle that you have for con­trol is with your low­er self.

Dive deep pil­grim, down into the dark and ancient depths of your inner sanc­tum. There, in the appar­ent dark­ness, there burns the bright­est light, your guid­ing star.…it is the watch­er who is always wait­ing for you.

You will find your answer, and your spir­it will be renewed in the waters of that greater under­stand­ing. You will cross anoth­er thresh­old, as your jour­ney con­tin­ues by your deep­er ded­i­ca­tion to the one injunc­tion, “Know Thyself”! 

All right, ready? Dive, dive, dive!