Daily Archives: June 19, 2011

Mars Enters Gemini (June 20, 2011)

Wheeeeeeeee.…now we are mov­ing! There is no “faster” sign in the Zodi­ac; and with Mars rul­ing motion, you are skip­ping along as you show your agili­ty, your nim­ble quick­ness, and your way with wit. From now till August 3, it is time to stretch those sinews of body and mind a show that you…can.

Mars likes to move, so he is very hap­py to be som­er­sault­ing through the airy spaces of Gem­i­ni. Air is the ele­ment of the mind; you lead now with your head. Think­ing, com­mu­ni­cat­ing, and net­work­ing will all cre­ate new path­ways with­in and with­out; this is a time to cel­e­brate your ini­tia­tive, ener­getic mind.

There is elec­tric­i­ty in the air now, and every­one is dash­ing off in many direc­tions, chas­ing mul­ti­ple pos­si­bil­i­ties. So remem­ber to pause for a breather before skip­ping off on anoth­er adventure.

Gem­i­ni likes a good debate, and cou­pled with Mars things could get over­heat­ed. So, always remem­ber to tem­per your eager voice with con­sid­er­ate hear­ing. It is per­fect­ly fine to be enthu­si­as­tic about what you believe to be true…but you may not have all the facts, espe­cial­ly if you have not made an effort to listen.