What’s that? Is that a “bump” in your thinking now…or, “Uh oh! Is that a wall”? Better be prepared to stop (and pivot) because Hermes just got tripped up by the “old one”. That’s right, your “mind is meeting matter” in the form of Saturn the teacher, “the ancient of days”, and you better have your homework done.
Mercury is swimming through Cancer, letting thoughts flow, swirl and dance in the waters of feeling-thoughts. Being spontaneous just feels so right; and if it feels good, then you will just say it! But Saturn would like a word or two with you.
Saturn in Libra is reminding Mercury that sometimes spontaneity…hurts. When you just say whatever, unfiltered, well…although you may feel fine, the party on the other end may not. Saturn/Libra reminds you that you have to consider the nature of the relationship, the feelings of the other, before you “share”.
It’s not as if Saturn wants you to stop talking…he just wants you to stop and think before you end up sounding as if you lack feeling…which, of course is the opposite of what you are trying to do!
This square of Mercury with Saturn is calling upon you to adjust your need to be true to your feelings/thoughts with your equal need to be considerate of others. Now, where is the harm in that?