Sun Enters Cancer (June 21, 2011)

The wheel turns…and the Fourth Door opens. A New Sea­son of Ener­gies, Expe­ri­ences and Con­scious­ness begins. Walk across the thresh­old into the New World…But as you do you will pause, “this is famil­iar, I have felt this way before”. Indeed, for you have “Squared the Cir­cle”, you are com­ing home; you will enter the waters and remember…this is what I have need­ed, “I want to feel, I need to be whole again”.

Wel­come to Can­cer the first of the Water Signs, the sec­ond of the Car­di­nal Signs. In Aries, Spir­it comes into the mate­r­i­al world to be (in Fire), it is the Incar­na­tion. In Tau­rus, Spir­it stretch­es itself into forms of real­i­ty (in Earth), it is the Sub­stan­ti­a­tion. In Gem­i­ni, Spir­it extends itself by con­nec­tiv­i­ty with­in and with­out (in Air), it is the Dif­fer­en­ti­a­tion.

Now is Can­cer’s time, Spir­it moves through the Waters as you feel your way to the roots of your expe­ri­ence in the world, it is the Cen­ter­ing. You can only go so far in extend­ing your­self before you must “bend back”, to relate what you have expe­ri­enced to that which gives it meaning…you must become famil­iar with it. You must secure your­self and your expe­ri­ence to the roots of your being and so deep­en your real­iza­tion that you are “one with­in the One”.

Your first expe­ri­ence of this long­ing is found in the fam­i­ly, in the home. Every soul needs to feel a con­nec­tion to some core expe­ri­ence. For many souls, this feel­ing will be first (and per­haps only) expe­ri­enced in the imme­di­ate fam­i­ly, in the tribe, or local group. But as your spir­it unfolds you will find sim­i­lar and wider expe­ri­ences in the con­nec­tions found in eth­nic­i­ty, in reli­gion, in cul­ture and beliefs.

To belong, to feel a part of some­thing larg­er than one­self is cru­cial to your sta­bil­i­ty. You need to feel anchored, con­nect­ed to some­thing that places your life and expe­ri­ence into a con­text of mean­ing and con­ti­nu­ity. You feel the need for nur­tur­ing (which you will return by nur­tur­ing oth­ers) and you find it in your first cir­cle of care, your Moth­er and Father.

But as you jour­ney you will extend this sense of care and con­nec­tion to and from many forms of life expe­ri­ence. That is because your true home, your true Mother/Father, is the One Spir­it, with­in which you exist as a spark of that Divine. You are a sojourn­er in these worlds, accom­pa­nied by and part of this glo­ri­ous host of shin­ning ones.

You left your home long ago, and many are the steps in your jour­ney, many homes that you will call home, ’till you come togeth­er at the end of the ages with your Mother/Father again.

So, wel­come back to Can­cer, time to feel your way now…Center your­self, nour­ish your­self and oth­ers. Remem­ber how good this feels… to be home, again!

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