Daily Archives: June 21, 2011

Mars Squares Neptune (June 22, 2011)

Are you sure you know what you are doing? Real­ly, it’s okay if you are feel­ing a lit­tle lost or con­fused. In fact, that’s the point when Mars is chal­lenged by Neptune…the truth is Nep­tune is always going to “win” this one.

Mars is zip­ping along in Gem­i­ni now, danc­ing through your mind, with a mul­ti­plic­i­ty of ideas, inter­ests and activ­i­ties. Mars in Gem­i­ni avers, “All real­i­ty is Ratio­nal; all actions can be con­ceived, under­stood, and exe­cut­ed by fol­low­ing the logical-reasoning-mind”.

Nep­tune comes along and says, “No, no, no.…you only think you are act­ing with full under­stand­ing, with your labels, and cat­e­gories and con­cepts; but the Uni­verse is big­ger than that!” And…whoosh! You are plunged into the vor­tex, enveloped in clouds of doubt, disbelief…confusion…and your cer­tain­ty goes, bye-bye.

What’s the point? And, more to the point, what do you do now? Remem­ber, you are a spe­cial spark with­in this greater Uni­verse; and, this greater Uni­verse is also with­in you too. It is with­in your nature to be able to understand…Everything (even­tu­al­ly). Your con­fu­sion is just a state or con­di­tion that you must pass through as you unfold your poten­tials, as you “Become the Becoming”.

You unfold your­self through many forms of con­scious­ness; you advance from lev­el to lev­el of under­stand­ing and activ­i­ty. At each step you find mean­ing with­in your world view or per­son­al uni­verse; even though you tru­ly exist in a much more com­plex “Mul­ti­verse”. At each lev­el you oper­ate with some degree of belief (and cer­tain­ty) that this is the way it is.

Then along comes an event, expe­ri­ence or some­thing that does not fit…and you lose your certainty.…you become con­fused. That is exact­ly what is sup­posed to hap­pen. In order to grow, in order to “Become the Becom­ing”, you must lose your cer­tain­ty, move into con­fu­sion so as to ques­tion your assumptions…and then find a way to a new, more com­plete under­stand­ing. Con­fu­sion is not “bad”; it just is a state of being you must go through, (again and again), if you are to con­tin­ue your jour­ney to a high­er consciousness.

Those who claim that they are always “cer­tain” are just not pay­ing atten­tion! They cling to the famil­iar long after it makes no sense. But you who have doubts, who won­der and cast your gaze beyond those self-imposed blind­ers of your present reality…you who are filled with a faith that leads to bet­ter ques­tions and not final answers…well, you are among the awak­ened, those who are more steadi­ly advanc­ing upon the path of becoming.

So, let us give thanks to Nep­tune, your plan­et of dreams, imag­i­na­tion and faith; this Avatar of the Mul­ti­verse is mov­ing you beyond what is…to what will be. You only need to pass through con­fu­sion for a lit­tle while. It is but a small sac­ri­fice to make for the Illu­mi­na­tion that awaits you.

Okay Dreamers.…Dream On!