Daily Archives: June 24, 2011

Sun Sextile Jupiter (June 25, 2011)

Today you will find that “luck” is on your side; it is a very good day to make progress with plan­ning and deci­sions that will lead you towards greater self-ful­fill­ment. Back in ear­ly April you start­ed a new cycle of growth; now that growth is sta­bi­liz­ing, solid­i­fy­ing, securing…growth is becom­ing tan­gi­ble now.

The Sun rules your “self”; it is your pure poten­tial seek­ing to real­ize itself in the world. Jupiter rules the ways in which you relate to your world; it is your prin­ci­ples, truths and beliefs. The Sun is your Essence; Jupiter is your Becoming.

You are here to grow, to unfold your poten­tial from your Sun, to real­ize your des­tiny as you “Become the Becom­ing”. To do this you extend your­self, reach out through Jupiter to…to those who jour­ney with you. Your unfold­ment and growth and their unfold­ment and growth hap­pen togeth­er; it hap­pens because, and with, and through one another.

That is why the secret to your growth…what Jupiter is real­ly about.…is Gen­eros­i­ty. The Spir­i­tu­al Law is: “To those who give, more shall be given”…so that they may con­tin­ue to give. This is one of the car­di­nal prin­ci­ples of what you expe­ri­ence as the “Law of Kar­ma”, of cause and effect.

Your growth, your unfold­ment, is found­ed, extend­ed and ful­filled by being on a jour­ney of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it with all the oth­er sparks of the divine who accom­pa­ny you. You can­not and will not be sep­a­rat­ed one from anoth­er for the entire­ty of this jour­ney. You jour­ney togeth­er, grow togeth­er and ful­fill your des­tinies through one another.

What­ev­er you give…is what will come back to you…so be Gen­er­ous to the oth­er, be Gen­er­ous to yourself. 

Ful­fill your destiny…to be a star amongst the Stars…reveal the shin­ing one within. 

Be Gen­er­ous!

So be it.