Mars Sextile Uranus (June 27, 2011)

You are real­ly show­ing some sparkle today! And so you should. Mars has been trip­ping through Gem­i­ni, encour­ag­ing your inge­nu­ity, intel­li­gence and agili­ty. Now Uranus comes around to add a touch of orig­i­nal­i­ty, inven­tive­ness and creativity.

Mars rules the ways in which you act to ful­fill your­self. You are expe­ri­enc­ing more flex­i­bil­i­ty in Gem­i­ni, com­par­ing, con­trast­ing and try­ing dif­fer­ent approach­es, meth­ods and solu­tions. If one approach does not work, you piv­ot and try anoth­er. Nim­ble (and quick), that’s Gemini.

Uranus now adds a flash of insight (or inspi­ra­tion), that takes your intel­li­gent adapt­abil­i­ty to new heights. Uranus is “the road less tak­en”, the out­sider with the unique view­point; Uranus shifts your focus beyond the bina­ry real­i­ty of either/or.

Uranus with Mars leads you to the “third way”. You are freed from the ordi­nary pat­terns and solu­tions; you move into new and unex­plored path­ways, dis­cov­er­ies and delights. It leads you inward to a deep­er real­iza­tion of your orig­i­nal­i­ty. It leads you out­ward to a greater expe­ri­ence of being a cre­ator. Uranus is the Awak­en­er who leads you to the path­ways of freedom.

Try some­thing new. Cel­e­brate orig­i­nal­i­ty. Dance the dance of the Creator.

It is time to Be Yourself.

It is your Destiny.

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