Daily Archives: June 27, 2011

Sun Opposition Pluto (June 28, 2011)

Uh oh!  It’s anoth­er test of Will. The chal­lenge will appear out there, between you and anoth­er (or oth­ers). But, as always, the test lies with­in though it appears to come from with­out. You are always upon the path of self-knowl­edge and self-mas­tery; so know that all these tests that are put before you are nec­es­sary for your self-unfoldment.

You began this cycle of will in late Decem­ber, when you had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to reaf­firm that will, your free will, is depen­dent upon your self-knowl­edge. The more unaware of your­self or the world around you, the more “fat­ed” will your life be, things will just “hap­pen” to you. And the more you come into the knowl­edge of your­self (and the world around you), you will then have that much more free will to exer­cise in your life, you will make things happen.

Now you face a rev­e­la­tion, now you see how free and will­ful you are. It is not whether you are stronger than the oth­er. No, the ques­tion is (always) how much self-con­trol or self-will have you mas­tered? For the issue of will, of your free will, is the under­stand­ing you have about bound­aries and tres­pass­ing and your sense of the sacred.

The space that you call your “self”, well that is a very sacred space, it is your space for unfold­ing the light with­in, for “becom­ing the becom­ing”. And that is also so for every oth­er evolv­ing con­scious­ness in this uni­verse. You devel­op your will so as to cre­ate a bound­ary around your sacred space, your “self”, as you inter­act with the oth­er wills in your world, as they must do likewise.

Your unfold­ing will leads to ever greater self-con­trol and self-deter­mi­na­tion that is reflect­ed out­ward­ly in your respect for the bound­aries of oth­ers. You come to under­stand that the only con­trol that mat­ters, the only con­trol that is true and last­ing, is self-con­trol. All else is illusion.

If some­one attempts to push, manip­u­late or guilt you to do some­thing, (well shame on them for that is tres­pass­ing), you move away, you put space between them and you. And like­wise you must restrain your­self, even for the very best inten­tions, from attempt­ing to force anoth­er to do what­ev­er you might think is best for them (or you). Hope­ful­ly, for your sake, you will fail in the attempt.

Instead, turn your sacred pow­er of will back upon your­self so as to con­tin­ue your jour­ney of self-dis­cov­ery, cre­ativ­i­ty and under­stand­ing. And, by your exam­ple, encour­age oth­ers to do the same.

It is this devel­op­ment of free will and sacred spaces that is at the very heart of the jour­ney for Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

This is its Destiny…which is your Des­tiny. So be it.