Daily Archives: June 30, 2011

New Moon in Cancer — Solar Eclipse (July 1, 2011)

Anoth­er event cov­ered in my overview for 2011, this is what I wrote then:

Back to back Solar Eclipses adds an urgent tone to the mes­sages from the stars. This time the New Moon is in Can­cer, and the new begin­nings for how we can secure our lives requires we more deeply under­stand where secu­ri­ty real­ly comes from first.

In addi­tion I would add the following:

As I not­ed for the New Moon of June 1, dur­ing an “Eclipse New Moon a shad­ow (the past) falls upon you”. That means you have to remove, or move past, that blind spot and uncov­er what is hid­den in order to tru­ly under­stand the mes­sage released by this New Moon.

The Can­cer part of your jour­ney takes you with­in, down to the roots of your being; you reach and secure your center…you fol­low your feel­ings. The Can­cer New Moon binds you back to the famil­iar, to the fam­i­ly, and all those expe­ri­ences which affirm your sense of being whole in your­self, yet part of a greater whole­ness too: fam­i­ly, vil­lage, community…The New Moon in Can­cer cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty to refresh your­self at this well­spring of your exis­tence; and at the truest cen­ter point you feel and affirm the Great Truth, you are one with the One.

But the eclipse puts a shad­ow across the path; there is some­thing that is hid­ing the mes­sage, some­thing you must under­stand about your past before you can refresh your­self at the foun­tain-source of your being. The shad­ow that falls across you now (as always) is…fear. Fear is what comes between you and your becom­ing, between you and your destiny. 

The shad­ow that falls, the fear for Can­cer, is that you do not belong, that you are not embraced…that you have been aban­doned. This is the dark­ness that you must con­front now before you can refresh your soul in the waters of feeling.

This fear comes from the past, from a time and a real expe­ri­ence when you felt uncar­ed for, unconnected…alone. It is not of this time, but is car­ried by the Moon to the present to remind you what this feels like. Why? …So that you may remem­ber and so know what you must do.

You must turn to anoth­er now, anoth­er who feels alone or aban­doned here today, you must hold them, embrace them and demon­strate the truth that they, you, we are nev­er alone.…not ever.

You con­front this echo of false­hood with the light of your life now; your liv­ing pres­ence of shared feel­ings, under­stand­ing and love stands as a tes­ta­ment. The com­pas­sion you feel now breaks up the shad­ows of your past and the pain of the one before you today.

The shad­ow, the past, has no hold over you, a shin­ing one who lives in the Truth that you are nev­er alone; you are always con­nect­ed and will always be cared for because you stand in the light…you are the Light.

Shine on!