Monthly Archives: June 2011

Mercury Trine Saturn (June 7, 2011)

Clear think­ing ahead! If you want to under­stand (and be under­stood), well today is your day! Mer­cury in Gem­i­ni has been dash­ing and dart­ing around and you can use a lit­tle focus and grav­i­tas, which is Sat­urn’s gift to you now.

If you have been strug­gling for an answer because you just could­n’t bring the issue into clear focus, or you seemed to be at a loss for the right words to con­vey your point of view, take this won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to think nim­bly and deeply.

With Sat­urn shap­ing Mer­cury from the sign of Libra, you will be able to make sig­nif­i­cant progress in a rela­tion­ship issue. That is because the adapt­abil­i­ty of Mer­cury, which in Gem­i­ni encour­ages you to see all sides of any issue, is now stead­ied by Sat­urn­ian com­mit­ment expressed through Libra and so focused upon endur­ing social values.

Right think­ing leads to Right Action. Right Action leads to Right Results. What­so­ev­er you think, you will make it manifest.

Think Well… Act Rightly!

Jupiter Enters Taurus (June 4, 2011)

Anoth­er tran­si­tion I spoke of in my Overview for 2011. Here is what I said then and some addi­tion­al thoughts:

Jupiter moves into Tau­rus for a year on June 4. With sol­id foun­da­tions and patience there is tan­gi­ble progress now. There is steady growth and phys­i­cal secu­ri­ty will increase for many. With the end of the Jupiter/Saturn oppo­si­tion, com­bined with the trine of Jupiter and Plu­to lat­er, Jupiter in Tau­rus should cre­ate a much more pos­i­tive result for those economies posi­tioned to ben­e­fit. The gen­er­al US eco­nom­ic fore­cast will be revised upward.

Jove moves into the sec­ond sign of the Zodi­ac. Jupiter, the plan­et of prin­ci­ples, is mov­ing from Ide­al­is­tic Aries to Prac­ti­cal Tau­rus until June 2012. It is not enough to declare “this is what I believe, that this is what I will live by”. Now you must make it real, you must bring prin­ci­ples into prax­is; your truth must take form.

Your beliefs and plans must be ground­ed in phys­i­cal real­i­ty now. A beau­ti­ful the­o­ry is fine, but does it WORK? The dri­ving moti­va­tor now is mate­r­i­al well-being. After the rush of new ideas and projects while in Aries, Jupiter’s sojourn in Tau­rus instills a more grad­ual yet steady approach to cre­at­ing your future. Secu­ri­ty trumps excite­ment; you favor sol­id val­ues over bril­liant promis­es. Con­ser­v­a­tive, prac­ti­cal meth­ods will be in favor now.

The ques­tion hov­er­ing over many is will the mate­r­i­al well-being of the world improve now? But the real ques­tion that Jupiter asks of you is what are you doing to pro­mote, pre­serve and pro­tect the beau­ti­ful world you live upon?

Mercury Square Neptune (June 3, 2011)

Are you feel­ing con­fused?… Well, yes, of course you are! That’s exact­ly what is called for today: Uncer­tain­ty, Doubt, Mys­tery… It is a time to Won­der. Pick­ing up from yes­ter­day’s shifts for Mer­cury and Nep­tune, the theme of “what’s real­i­ty any­way?” con­tin­ues today with the align­ment of Her­mes with Posei­don; of Mind with Intu­ition, of Air with Water.

Her­mes is danc­ing spright­ly through his own sign of Gem­i­ni. The Mind is Supreme! Log­ic Rules, Assign cat­e­gories, Name things. Mer­cury is all about “know­ing things”…that is Her­mes in his shad­ow dance of Air… that’s Mind Pow­er. Her­mes says the Uni­verse can (and should) be viewed as just thought, pure and simple.

Along comes Nep­tune to remind you that “the Mind is the Slay­er of the Real”. The “Lord of Chaos” says you must chal­lenge your mind; you must “slay the slay­er” if you real­ly want to under­stand Reality.

But what does that mean, real­ly? How do you “slay” your mind; and how does the mind slay itself? Well, obvi­ous­ly you are going to need some help…Neptune, what do you offer?

Nep­tune chal­lenges (the square aspect) Mer­cury by “sub­tiliz­ing” the mind with an Intu­itive Infu­sion of light; Nep­tune helps to dis­solve the dual­is­tic mind, of know­er and known, and re-affirm the essen­tial one­ness that is the under­ly­ing, fun­da­men­tal real­i­ty known as Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. You expe­ri­ence con­fu­sion as an old cer­tain­ty is revealed as not being what it seemed…but that is exact­ly the point. Your cer­tain­ty blind­ed you to a greater real­i­ty, a real­i­ty that you now glimpse through the light of Nep­tune, the ruler of your high­er Intu­itive Mind.

Dual­is­tic thought is not “bad”; it is a nec­es­sary part of the unfold­ment of Spir­it in the jour­ney from non-being to being­ness (and back again). The prob­lem comes from the Dual­is­tic or “Low­er Mind” claim­ing absolute truth or valid­i­ty for its point of view. But the uni­verse has a rem­e­dy, your true nature, which is Spir­it, is to con­tin­u­ous­ly become more than what you have so far imagined.

Today’s Nep­tun­ian chal­lenge should be a wel­come reminder that one of the fun­da­men­tal Truths of the Ancient Teach­ings is that you always grow­ing, always becom­ing. And as you unfold your pow­ers, your con­scious­ness unfolds too, aid­ed by Nep­tune, by dis­solv­ing old bound­aries, old lim­i­ta­tions till you reach…well that is for anoth­er day.

So turn to the mys­tery; do not be afraid. If you are con­fused, know that this is good because you are becom­ing more; you are mov­ing beyond cer­tain­ty into the greater life. You must grow beyond the bounds you placed upon your­self. You are Spir­it and your des­tiny is writ­ten in the Stars.

Now, look up…and Wonder!

Mercury Enters Gemini & Neptune Turns Retrograde (June 2, 2011)

Her­mes skips into his own sign of Gem­i­ni. For the next two weeks you will be think­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing with greater élan, eager­ness and excitabil­i­ty. Those neu­rons are fir­ing at a fever­ish pace and there is no telling what you might think (or say!). This is the time to cel­e­brate your intel­li­gence; enjoy men­tal chal­lenges, express your curios­i­ty and stretch your awareness.

Of course, every­one else is also men­tal­ly fired up so there is bound to be lots of infor­ma­tion fly­ing around. The Ques­tion is: how do you fil­ter out all the noise? Per­haps Nep­tune can lend a hand by remind­ing you that the high­er, intu­itive mind pro­vides the means to dis­cern the wheat from the chaff.

Nep­tune turns ret­ro­grade today until Novem­ber 9th. Plan­ets chang­ing direc­tion bring their ener­gies into sharp focus. Nep­tune rules your dreams, imag­i­na­tion and faith. Nep­tune is said to rule the pow­er that is called clair­voy­ance or “clear-see­ing”. That is because Nep­tune rules your abil­i­ty to expe­ri­ence the spir­i­tu­al truth that the cos­mos is com­posed of innu­mer­able mul­ti-dimen­sion­al real­i­ties; you real­ly exist in a mul­ti-verse more than a uni­verse. The ret­ro­grade motion directs Nep­tune’s ener­gies more inward; you have the lucid­i­ty to tran­scend your own per­cep­tu­al bias­es and reach deep­er lev­els of awareness.

The insight that Nep­tune pro­vides enables you to pierce through the illu­sion­ary, sur­face appear­ances and dis­cov­er under­ly­ing truths about your­self and your world. By using your imag­i­na­tion you can rise above the “dilem­ma of dichoto­my”, of see­ing things as either one way or anoth­er. Instead, you can begin to devel­op the wis­dom that leads to heal­ing the divi­sions between oppos­ing points of view.

Make today a day for renew­ing your pur­suit of your dreams, for draw­ing upon your cre­ative gift of imag­i­na­tion, and for con­nect­ing with your faith in your abil­i­ty to be the cre­ator of your life. What­ev­er you can imagine.…will even­tu­al­ly become manifest.

Time to dream Imag­i­neers… Cre­ate well!