Venus Enters Cancer & Venus Trine Neptune & Mercury Trine Uranus & Happy Birthday America! (July 4, 2011)

Venus the plan­et of love & beau­ty slips into the source-waters of life, Venus has come home. Venus moves into Can­cer for over 3 weeks and your appre­ci­a­tion and need for secu­ri­ty, nur­tur­ing and fam­i­ly is deeply felt. You are drawn to those val­ues in and around you that res­onate in your soul; the echo of fond mem­o­ries, feel­ings and car­ing is what attracts you now.

Venus rules val­ue, it is what you wish to attract, touch and be part of; your out­er real­i­ty needs to match your inner famil­iar, your core, your heart of hearts. Your world becomes infused, breathes and sighs, with rec­ol­lec­tions, remem­brances and long­ings of yes­ter­year. These heart­felt stir­rings are there for you now; yet these soul­ful songs of what was shape your heart’s intent for what is and what is to be.

Past is Pro­logue, you are the becom­ing, as you move with the care you have felt to the care you must bestow. Venus in Can­cer sings the Truth that to be cared for, you must care; to be nur­tured, you must be nur­tur­ing, and to be cen­tered, you must share your space with another.


As Venus slips into Can­cer she encoun­ters Nep­tune who abides now at the thresh­old of Pisces. Cre­ativ­i­ty and Love will soar to new­found heights today. Enjoy good­ness and beau­ty around and with­in you; cel­e­brate the love that is the foun­tain-source of your universe.

Venus the beau­ti­ful opens her heart to the dream songs of Nep­tune; you feel inspired as the mus­es sing to your soul their celes­tial melodies of cre­ation. Venus the lov­ing opens her heart to the self-less source-love of Nep­tune; you are embraced by the truth that you are loved, as is all of cre­ation, because we abide in the One shin­ing Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it as it becomes the becoming.


Join­ing the dance, you wel­come Mer­cury and Uranus lat­er today as they bestow their bless­ings of men­tal bril­liance, lucid­i­ty and insight. The solu­tion to the puz­zle, the dilem­ma that you could not fathom…well today you will have the insight to tran­scend the ordinary!

Mer­cury sail­ing through Leo is quick­ened by the mag­i­cal pow­ers of Uranus, the awak­en­er. Mer­cury is very good at observ­ing, cat­e­go­riz­ing and build­ing your knowl­edge of the world. But you need to “think out­side the box” if you are to find the path­way that leads to a greater under­stand­ing. Today is such a day.

Uranus in Aries opens your mind to spir­i­tu­al intu­itions; he brings you the joy of epiphany as you pass through appear­ances and so approach the thresh­old of truth. Your assump­tions, con­cepts and facts were nec­es­sary to bring you to knowl­edge, but you must go beyond the ordi­nary to reach the shores of under­stand­ing. Let Uranus guide you now to the shin­ing halls of the illu­mined mind.

Last­ly, let us give thanks…and a very Hap­py Birth­day to America!


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