Daily Archives: July 6, 2011

Jupiter Trine Pluto (July 7, 2011)

The Jupiter/Pluto align­ment is one that I exam­ined for the Overview for 2011. Here is what I wrote then:

Jupiter Trine Plu­to (Jul. 7, Oct. 28, Mar. 13, 2012)
The cycle of Jupiter and Plu­to moves into this more pos­i­tive phase for the next 9 months. Hav­ing faced the chal­lenge in late Feb­ru­ary, we will find our­selves able to expand more effort­less­ly now in our mate­r­i­al life and spir­i­tu­al under­stand­ing. Because Jupiter has moved into Tau­rus (Earth) and Plu­to is in Capri­corn (Earth), this cre­ates very pos­i­tive con­di­tions for real eco­nom­ic growth. Though there are always expand­ing and con­tract­ing forces at play in any year, this is cer­tain­ly a strong fac­tor sup­port­ing those areas that are capa­ble of growth, espe­cial­ly those which have read the signs of change and adapted.

Spir­i­tu­al­ly, to the extent the right choic­es were made in Feb­ru­ary, the oppor­tu­ni­ty now is to bring about a real evo­lu­tion in our moral affir­ma­tion of one anoth­er. We are will­ing to seek accom­mo­da­tion with each oth­er as an expres­sion of our under­stand­ing for one another.

I would add that this align­ment brings a per­son­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to delve deeply into the col­lec­tive arche­types that shape, inform and inspire your rela­tion­ship to your life. Jupiter rules your prin­ci­ples, truths and beliefs which are being shaped by Tau­rus now. Plu­to rules the uncon­scious pat­terns, embed­ded in what Carl Jung termed the “col­lec­tive uncon­scious”, which are being expressed through Capri­corn now.

This felic­i­tous join­ing of Jupiter with Plu­to will open a por­tal to the deep­er con­structs that under­lie your identity/relationship prin­ci­ples. You will find your­self, your mean­ings and your truth in the myths that sur­round you. The ancient arche­types like “The God­dess”, “The Heal­er”, “The Hero”, “The Grail King”, “The Wound­ed Heal­er”, and so many oth­ers, strike chords with­in your soul as you con­nect to the myths of your jour­ney, to the seed songs of the sil­ver chain, the shin­ing path of life after life that came before and stretch­es out beyond the beyond.

These shad­ow-songs of your past sculpt, shape and inform you now; their mean­ings bind you to the one sto­ry, the great jour­ney you are upon. Their mes­sages guide you as you seek to face the future with under­stand­ing. You are the seek­er; you are the story.

Now you fash­ion one more pearl on that great sil­ver chain of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. Once more, it is time to con­nect the past and future as you face that pre­cious present, the razor’s edge, upon which you dance the dance of the creator.