The Jupiter/Pluto alignment is one that I examined for the Overview for 2011. Here is what I wrote then:
Jupiter Trine Pluto (Jul. 7, Oct. 28, Mar. 13, 2012)
The cycle of Jupiter and Pluto moves into this more positive phase for the next 9 months. Having faced the challenge in late February, we will find ourselves able to expand more effortlessly now in our material life and spiritual understanding. Because Jupiter has moved into Taurus (Earth) and Pluto is in Capricorn (Earth), this creates very positive conditions for real economic growth. Though there are always expanding and contracting forces at play in any year, this is certainly a strong factor supporting those areas that are capable of growth, especially those which have read the signs of change and adapted.
Spiritually, to the extent the right choices were made in February, the opportunity now is to bring about a real evolution in our moral affirmation of one another. We are willing to seek accommodation with each other as an expression of our understanding for one another.
I would add that this alignment brings a personal opportunity to delve deeply into the collective archetypes that shape, inform and inspire your relationship to your life. Jupiter rules your principles, truths and beliefs which are being shaped by Taurus now. Pluto rules the unconscious patterns, embedded in what Carl Jung termed the “collective unconscious”, which are being expressed through Capricorn now.
This felicitous joining of Jupiter with Pluto will open a portal to the deeper constructs that underlie your identity/relationship principles. You will find yourself, your meanings and your truth in the myths that surround you. The ancient archetypes like “The Goddess”, “The Healer”, “The Hero”, “The Grail King”, “The Wounded Healer”, and so many others, strike chords within your soul as you connect to the myths of your journey, to the seed songs of the silver chain, the shining path of life after life that came before and stretches out beyond the beyond.
These shadow-songs of your past sculpt, shape and inform you now; their meanings bind you to the one story, the great journey you are upon. Their messages guide you as you seek to face the future with understanding. You are the seeker; you are the story.
Now you fashion one more pearl on that great silver chain of Life-Consciousness-Spirit. Once more, it is time to connect the past and future as you face that precious present, the razor’s edge, upon which you dance the dance of the creator.