Daily Archives: July 8, 2011

Venus Sextile Jupiter & Mercury Sextile Saturn & Uranus Retrograde (July 9, 2011)

Okay…well this is bet­ter now. The two “benefics”, Venus and Jupiter, align today to offer you phys­i­cal, social and spir­i­tu­al joys. Venus is what you val­ue or want; Jupiter is how you relate to your world. Their com­bi­na­tion lit­er­al­ly means that today you will relate to what you want with sub­lime satisfaction!

Venus, danc­ing through the nur­tur­ing feel­ing-roots of Can­cer is gen­tly touched now by Jupiter whose Tau­rus song imparts the appre­ci­a­tion of earth­ly delights. Enjoy the sun ris­ing, take a walk in the woods, mar­vel at the great beau­ty that sur­rounds you. Or, go to a muse­um and won­der at beau­ty-past, or attend a per­for­mance and share in beau­ty-present. Then turn to those you love and cel­e­brate the glo­ri­ous beau­ty that is life before you.

Live the teaching:

Beau­ty before me, beau­ty behind, beau­ty below, beau­ty above, and beau­ty within…surrounded by beau­ty, it is done in beauty.” 

So be it.


Today is also a day for the stead­ied and dis­ci­plined mind to shine. Mer­cury is stretch­ing itself now to per-form through Leo. Sat­urn in Libra pro­vides that steady form, that cen­tered space, to extend your­self from.

The puz­zles and prob­lems that stymied you are pierced by your lucid mind as it reach­es across the cross­ing point to the light of under­stand­ing. You com­bine in equal mea­sure the self-con­fi­dence of Leo with the con­sid­er­a­tion of Libra.

Today you will understand…and you will be understood.


Last­ly, one of the great ones, Uranus, turns ret­ro­grade today till Decem­ber 10. The ret­ro­grade of the out­er plan­ets is a func­tion of Earth “catch­ing up” and pass­ing the out­er plan­ets (sort of like being on the inside track in a race); we come to our clos­est approach to them at these times. Many would argue that means their influ­ence is stronger as a result.

The expe­ri­ence for you of this ret­ro­grade, as in any ret­ro­grade, is that it turns the ener­gies of Uranus inward, it becomes inter­nal­ized. The gifts of Uranus will help you grow from with­in out­wards as you dis­cov­er some as yet unre­al­ized part of yourself.

Uranus is the awak­en­er and frees you from less­er forms so you may con­tin­ue your jour­ney of becom­ing the becom­ing. Wel­come the magi­cian who quick­ens your soul, the wiz­ard of won­der as he dances the dance of creation.

Free your­self, be yourself!


Venus Opposition Pluto (July 8, 2011)

Not only may you “not always get what you want”, you may have to strug­gle to hold onto what you have today!

Venus rules val­ue, beau­ty and love. Plu­to, rul­ing willpow­er, stands oppo­site now and lays down a chal­lenge to what you hold dear. Will you be forced to sur­ren­der your val­ues to anoth­er, or will you turn the tables and force yours upon them? That seems to be the choice/challenge here; it’s win or lose, give in or fight back…or…

Or will you take the noble path as befits your ori­gins? Know that you are a shin­ing one, who trav­els with a mighty, shin­ing host of seek­ers. Will you under­stand and move even clos­er to the sacred spaces of your soul, to your cen­ter and truth? For if you do you will know that this is always the real chal­lenge, the chal­lenge is a test of your integri­ty, of your under­stand­ing of who and what you are, of why you here, of where you came from, and how you are to move towards your destiny.

You will know that in your heart of hearts you are des­tined to secure, pre­serve and express as your truth the val­ues you have come to under­stand into the worlds around you. But you also will know that this is true for every being who jour­neys with you. You must live out your truth, but always with­in and cir­cum­scribed by the Greater Truth…that every soul’s space is Sacred Space. You may not force your ways upon anoth­er, nor may they…that is Tres­pass­ing. It vio­lates the Spir­i­tu­al Integri­ty that is the core of every spark of the Divine; it dimin­ish­es you and them and only delays the greater good that you seek.

So, if anoth­er is seek­ing to force some­thing upon you, you must resist and pro­tect your sacred space. Try and help them to see the error of their ways; that they will only delay not advance their cause by such con­duct. If they will not, then move away; let them exhaust them­selves in the empti­ness that they have made between the sacred spaces.

Like­wise, if you seek too enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly to pro­mote your truth to anoth­er know that you will only fail. Truth can­not be real­ized in the vio­la­tion of anoth­er’s sacred space. The only con­trol you must exer­cise is…self-control, all else is illusion.

The les­son of Plu­to is of bound­aries, of the sacred spaces and the knowl­edge that your pow­er, your will is for you…as you become the becoming.

Shine On!