Daily Archives: July 26, 2011

Sun Trine Uranus (July 27, 2011)

Sparkle.…Dazzle…One of Kind…Yes, this feels good!

That’s right it’s time to cel­e­brate how spe­cial you are when Uranus and Sol align, from Aries to Leo.

The Sun is your pure poten­tial to be what you will be. To become some “thing” you have to pour your­self into forms of self-real­iza­tion with­in which you jour­ney. Yet, those very forms become lim­it­ing, con­fin­ing to your unfold­ment. What was self-ful­fill­ing becomes self-denying…

The spir­it with­in yearns to move beyond those rings of Saturn…and the Hier­ar­chy of Com­pas­sion answers you.

Uranus is their Uni­ver­sal Emis­sary, the ambassador/awakener of the greater cos­mos, that releas­es you from lim­i­ta­tions so that you may reveal a lit­tle more of who you tru­ly are. It offers a way through by open­ing new path­ways of under­stand­ing; Uranus is the Illu­mi­na­tor whose light shows you new forms of self-unfold­ment, of greater fulfillment.

Some­times this “gift” is less than gen­tle; we are often jolt­ed, shocked and upset by Uranus’ gift of growth. Yet, grow you must for your spir­it is nev­er ceas­ing in its jour­ney of becom­ing, of mov­ing beyond the forms which no longer ful­fill you.

Enjoy today for now you will expe­ri­ence a point of equi­lib­ri­um where pure poten­tial is quick­ened by enlight­ened under­stand­ing. Orig­i­nal think­ing will lead to new approach­es; a break­through will be achieved through inven­tive­ness that moves you out of those “zero- sum games”.

This is not a day to be lagging…today you are at the cut­ting edge, the razor’s edge that is known as the path of wis­dom. Ask for help, it will be giv­en. Your only offer­ing is to extend your hand to those who follow…

Beat­en paths are for sleep­ing souls…arise, awake and be a soul blazer!

Shine on, shine on Lumi­nous Ones!