Sparkle.…Dazzle…One of Kind…Yes, this feels good!
That’s right it’s time to celebrate how special you are when Uranus and Sol align, from Aries to Leo.
The Sun is your pure potential to be what you will be. To become some “thing” you have to pour yourself into forms of self-realization within which you journey. Yet, those very forms become limiting, confining to your unfoldment. What was self-fulfilling becomes self-denying…
The spirit within yearns to move beyond those rings of Saturn…and the Hierarchy of Compassion answers you.
Uranus is their Universal Emissary, the ambassador/awakener of the greater cosmos, that releases you from limitations so that you may reveal a little more of who you truly are. It offers a way through by opening new pathways of understanding; Uranus is the Illuminator whose light shows you new forms of self-unfoldment, of greater fulfillment.
Sometimes this “gift” is less than gentle; we are often jolted, shocked and upset by Uranus’ gift of growth. Yet, grow you must for your spirit is never ceasing in its journey of becoming, of moving beyond the forms which no longer fulfill you.
Enjoy today for now you will experience a point of equilibrium where pure potential is quickened by enlightened understanding. Original thinking will lead to new approaches; a breakthrough will be achieved through inventiveness that moves you out of those “zero- sum games”.
This is not a day to be lagging…today you are at the cutting edge, the razor’s edge that is known as the path of wisdom. Ask for help, it will be given. Your only offering is to extend your hand to those who follow…
Beaten paths are for sleeping souls…arise, awake and be a soul blazer!
Shine on, shine on Luminous Ones!