Daily Archives: July 27, 2011

Venus Enters Leo & Mercury Enters Virgo (July 28, 2011)

All right, Shift!


Yes, it is a dou­ble-day of inspi­ra­tion as the Winds of Spir­it swirl; it’s time to change direc­tions in your heart and your head.

Venus moves into Leo for the next 3 weeks…Now this is the time for Romance! When Aphrodite dances through the styl­ish, gra­cious and regal rays of Leo you bet­ter put on your finest, know how to bow…as well as make your entrance! 

Venus in Leo means it is time to show your appre­ci­a­tion of beau­ty, life and love; time to have fun in the sun and with one anoth­er. With Venus rul­ing value…what you want to expe­ri­ence now quite sim­ply is…Love, Love, and more Love.

While Venus was in Can­cer you re-affirmed the source of your love, the foun­da­tions of your life that nur­ture, sta­bi­lize and cen­ter you. Now it is time for you to move out from that cen­tered space; now is the time to love your­self and to enjoy your love for one another.


Her­mes’ shifts are more com­pli­cat­ed. He’s mov­ing into his own sign of Vir­go, and your mind will become sharp­er, more discerning…and more prac­ti­cal! But Her­mes is only in Vir­go till August 8th, why so short a time? Well, there is a bump ahead. Her­mes is about to turn around, back up and go into Leo for a lit­tle while longer… that’s right, next week Mer­cury “stands still” and goes ret­ro­grade, (from Aug. 2 till Aug. 26), and so will move out of Vir­go and revis­it Leo from August 9th till Sep­tem­ber 9th.

There is some­thing going on here; you will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend to some issues that were not resolved in July. Maybe you for­got some­thing (with Leo it was prob­a­ble that you or the oth­er were being less than prac­ti­cal or too ide­al­is­tic), or you did­n’t con­vey some mes­sage as well as you could of (maybe you or the oth­er did not show one anoth­er enough respect), or per­haps the mes­sage was not under­stood (maybe you or the oth­er did not exer­cise enough compassion).

What­ev­er the nature of the mis­un­der­stand­ing or dis­agree­ment, you should take the next 10 days with Mer­cury in Vir­go to use your pow­er of reflec­tion and dis­cern­ment to fig­ure out what might need to be adjust­ed. Then on August 8th, take the “high road” but go with­in and recon­sid­er what that means as Mer­cury ret­ro­grades and recon­nects with Leo.

Try to cor­rect the mis­takes made in July because that is the gift that Mer­cury in ret­ro­grade offers you, a chance to go back and get it right this time. Then, as Mer­cury moves for­ward again on August 26, you can take your new under­stand­ing and think, com­mu­ni­cate and act with greater wisdom.

So, get ready to shift gears, dis­play adapt­abil­i­ty and learn…that’s what it’s all about on this beau­ti­ful blue orb called Earth!