Mercury Opposition Neptune (July 29, 2011)


Which will lead you to…eventually…


Yes, that’s right; it is anoth­er “Through the Look­ing Glass” moment when Mer­cury and Nep­tune stand oppo­site one anoth­er. Only this time you are real­ly going to be “chal­lenged” (and have a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty); with Mer­cury turn­ing ret­ro­grade next week, this oppo­si­tion is going to occur 3 times in the next 40 days! That’s a lot of Delusion/Confusion as well as Illu­mi­na­tion to deal with!

Mer­cury rules your mind (man­as), your intel­lect, pow­ers of per­cep­tion, analy­sis and com­pre­hen­sion, as well as your fac­ul­ties of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Nep­tune is one of the Great Three, the Avatars from the Beyond, tru­ly gifts from the gods, whose pur­pose is to reveal (re-veil) the mul­ti-dimen­sion­al uni­verse, the “Mul­ti­verse”, that you real­ly move through.

You had a sim­i­lar encounter with­in your­self back around June 3 when Mer­cury Squared Nep­tune. This time the dra­ma of Her­mes and Posei­don will play out more exter­nal­ly, seem­ing­ly between you and anoth­er (or oth­ers). That’s the way it is with an oppo­si­tion, the quick­en­ing of your aware­ness is elicit­ed by the jux­ta­po­si­tion of one con­scious­ness to another.

You may find your­self in a par­tic­u­lar mis­un­der­stand­ing that mush­rooms between you and anoth­er, or you will real­ize each of you have been mak­ing an incor­rect assump­tion about one anoth­er for some time…or you that you have stum­bled into a sit­u­a­tion of delib­er­ate decep­tion. (But, spir­i­tu­al­ly, it is true, that all decep­tion is ulti­mate­ly the prod­uct of self-deception).

But of course, as in all things, the real oppo­si­tion, con­fronta­tion and oppor­tu­ni­ty will take place with­in you; it is real­ly between your more lim­it­ed aware­ness ver­sus your ever unfold­ing poten­tial for a greater aware­ness. Remem­ber, there is noth­ing to fear; you have been through this many times before; and there are many more steps you must take as you become the becoming…

Your unfold­ment pro­ceeds from one lev­el of con­scious­ness to anoth­er; at each lev­el you will even­tu­al­ly move from cer­tain­ty, to doubt, to confusion…Treasure that, for it is that con­fu­sion which is your gate­way for the release from the less­er real­i­ty; it is that let­ting go of the old cer­tain­ty that you were attached to that makes pos­si­ble a re-imag­i­na­tion and move­ment into a greater, more encom­pass­ing consciousness.

So Nep­tune serves you now as The Illu­mi­na­tor, who comes along to help you re-con­nect to your tran­scen­dent, intu­itive mind, your Bud­dhi Mind, and so frees you, for a time, from your more lim­it­ed, dual­is­tic low­er mind; Posei­don takes you into his “sea of mir­rors”, into a por­tion of The Mul­ti­verse, so that you may see the reflec­tions of reflec­tions of reflec­tions, the won­der that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

You will emerge out of the waters renewed, restored and hum­bled by the majesty of cre­ation which you have just, even for a moment, felt your­self to be one with.

This is the Truth that you are mov­ing towards, slow­ly, sure­ly but not yet able to hold.

Not yet…

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