Daily Archives: July 31, 2011

Sun Square Jupiter (Aug 1, 2011)

Watch Out! …Some­times too much is well…way, way TOO MUCH!

This Sun Jupiter Cycle began with the promise of Boun­ti­ful­ness on April 6 with the affir­ma­tion “Growth is Good”; now you find that you will need to qual­i­fy this “truth”.

While growth is good, too much growth (or the wrong type of growth) is waste­ful, destruc­tive and will actu­al­ly lead to growth’s oppo­site or dis­in­te­gra­tion. There is good growth and there is less good growth…now you must choose. That is what the Square is for; it rep­re­sents a turn­ing point, a fork in the road of life…and you must choose a fork now in order to con­tin­ue on your (bet­ter) path of growth.

What is the choice you face? With the Sun in Leo you are being dri­ven by ide­al­ism as you seek to stretch your­self in dis­plays of lead­er­ship, cre­ativ­i­ty and love. Jupiter in Tau­rus brings mat­ters to a focus now by shap­ing the scene, bring­ing to bear prac­ti­cal con­sid­er­a­tions that are cen­tered upon sol­id values.

Basi­cal­ly, it is at time where you must not let the pur­suit of the ide­al or the per­fect to become the defeat of the pos­si­ble. You must adjust your plan and path so that your growth is mean­ing­ful and sustainable.

You will see how well you have man­aged the bal­ance when the Sun and Jupiter meet again in ear­ly September. 

Venus Trine Uranus (Aug 1, 2011)

What do you want, really?

Well… Tru­ly, you just want to be appre­ci­at­ed for who you real­ly are! And, you want who­ev­er walks along­side you to be free to be true to their self too! Well, today is that day!

Where­as on July 7 the jux­ta­po­si­tion of Venus and Uranus posed a chal­lenge to you (and them), today the Plan­ets of Love and Orig­i­nal­i­ty, of Val­ue and Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty align to forge a bal­ance between shar­ing and inde­pen­dence, between rela­tion­ship and freedom.

Today the promise of what was released on April 22 is met. What began as an inti­ma­tion of truth, of what ties and binds you one to anoth­er has now come as an experience…of real, of substantial…of True Love.

True love is uncon­di­tion­al; it is found­ed upon your fun­da­men­tal expe­ri­ence of your essen­tial self (mon­ad) which is but one spark among count­less shin­ing ones who are upon a great jour­ney out­ward and back from the One Divine Source.

Through many stages and many turn­ings you come upon oth­er con­scious­ly aware sparks of this same Divine Source…and there you see it, in their eyes…the Recognition…

You say, they say “I know this, I know this feeling…I know you”. And then, the recog­ni­tion, the acknowl­edge­ment is shared, by that most pre­cious, most gen­uine of signs…you smile!

Smile today…and say to one anoth­er, “I have always loved you…I love who you are…I love who we are becoming”.
