Monthly Archives: August 2011

Jupiter Turns Retrograde (August 30, 2011)

On the same day that the less­er benef­ic (Venus) aligns with the greater benef­ic (Jupiter) you also have Jupiter turn­ing ret­ro­grade till Decem­ber 25, 2011. What does Jupiter’s ret­ro­grade offer you?

Jupiter is the plan­et of Prin­ci­ples; it rules Truths, Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Reli­gion. Jupiter is the plan­et of your high­er mind. It is the plan­et that leads you out­ward as you explore the wider world, out into your “rela­tion­ships of choice”. Those rela­tion­ships are made pos­si­ble by and found­ed upon Jupiter’s gift of your ever-expand­ing and greater under­stand­ing. But that growth exter­nal­ly must be matched by growth with­in your­self; a tow­er can only be as tall as its foun­da­tions are deep.

Jupiter’s ret­ro­grade gift offers this oppor­tu­ni­ty for you now. This is the time to grow inward­ly, to con­sid­er what you know and what you believe; you should look with­in and reex­am­ine the truths you stand upon. Those truths form your atti­tudes and there­by cre­ate your inten­tions in the world.

Of course out­ward expan­sion will con­tin­ue now, but your greater rewards, your bet­ter path, will be found by your jour­neys with­in; it will be those dis­cov­er­ies of the deep which will bring you clos­er to your truth-path. And, it will be this Jupi­ter­ian jour­ney with­in that will cre­ate the build­ing blocks for your exter­nal expan­sions in 2012 and beyond.

Jupiter will move back­wards through Tau­rus dur­ing this peri­od, so the expe­ri­ence will be a jour­ney with­in your­self that reviews, reex­am­ines and clar­i­fies your beliefs as regards: 1) The nature of val­ue, the what and why of the val­ue of any­thing, 2) Your rela­tion­ship of val­ue to your­self, your self-worth, and 3) How your under­stand­ing of val­ues and your self-worth cre­ate the expe­ri­ence of your rela­tion­ships, whose core of con­nec­tion is found­ed upon shared values.

Take time dur­ing the com­ing months to reap this har­vest, this fruit of the expe­ri­ence about your truths. It is those truths which have guid­ed and formed your sense of val­ues. Do not judge “good” or “bad”, for you learn from each and often more from when you stumbled.

Seek always to align your truths with the greater wis­dom that is time­less. Then take out your “Sword of Sev­er­ance” as you cut away the less­er, as you har­vest the pre­cious mean­ings of your life.

This har­vest is what brings you clos­er, into the “Greater Under­stand­ing”, and that is your real jour­ney, that is your true path, as you become the becoming.…

Choose wisely…choose the path that leads to the growth of understanding.

May the Light of Jupiter bring you Truth, Love and Understanding.

Venus Trine Jupiter (August 30, 2011)

Beau­ty meets Benevolence…and yes it is very, very good!

Enjoy this align­ment of Venus (values/beauty) with Jupiter (principles/truth). It is the meet­ing of what you want with what you relate to. What does that mean?

Now you will get what you want! But do you under­stand why and how this works?

The true source of your good for­tune is in your own hands, always. It is the end result of your walk­ing the path of truth, of prac­tic­ing right think­ing and right con­duct. You must always remem­ber that your life is gov­erned by one true and immutable law, The Law of Kar­ma, the law of cause and effect. What does that mean?

What I like to say is quite sim­ply, “Life is like a boomerang, what­ev­er you throw or put out there is com­ing back to you”. The thoughts that you think, the feel­ings you feel and the things that you do, well they move out from you into the uni­verse. You are the cre­ator and they are your chil­dren. But even­tu­al­ly they must return from whence they came…That is why there is, ulti­mate­ly, true jus­tice in the world for “as you sow so shall you reap”.

The mea­sure of your good luck today is the result of the gen­eros­i­ty you have offered up in the past. You are receiv­ing the ben­e­fits that you bestowed in the past…and you should take today’s gift and do what? Why, of course, you need to cre­ate more good for­tune by liv­ing spir­i­tu­al­ly; live gen­er­ous­ly, thought­ful­ly and com­pas­sion­ate­ly for one anoth­er each and every day. For part of the mys­tery of good for­tune is that by com­bin­ing with one anoth­er we mul­ti­ply our effects. In oth­er words, you put in so much from your­self, but you reap so much more when you do it with and for one another.

Give so that you may receive.…Receive so that you may give…

And may the cir­cle be unbro­ken, for­ev­er and ever…

New Moon in Virgo (August 28, 2011)

Live in Beau­ty! Be at Peace! The Gift of Vir­go is at hand.

Wel­come the sixth New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year. Each Sun Moon align­ment releas­es a new seed-form to guide your under­stand­ing. This time it is a gift from Vir­go, a gift that can move you clos­er to what you have always sought, Peace of Mind.

The Vir­go New Moon offers you Peace through pro­vid­ing new insight, inspi­ra­tion and prac­ti­cal guid­ance for inte­gra­tion with­in your­self, and for your inte­gra­tion with the world around you. You will have greater pow­ers of dis­cern­ment now so that you can make adjust­ments in your life and bring you and your “self” into truer align­ment, into that greater Wholeness…into your State of Grace.

To “Live in Beau­ty” is to acquire, main­tain or restore bal­ance in life. You need to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to exam­ine your life, to see if there is bal­ance in your life now. To have that peace with­in and with­out, you need to cre­ate a har­mo­ny between: Activity/Rest, Work/Play, Outwardness/Inwardness…you need to cre­ate a whole life. Instead, when you do too much of one thing, and not enough of anoth­er, well then you are mov­ing into non­sense, you are stum­bling into error…and you will suffer.

And just because you had a bal­ance at one time will not serve you for all time; for the world is ever chang­ing as are you…So you must stay alert and adapt inward­ly and out­ward­ly (con­stant­ly); it is quite evi­dent what works for some­one who is 20 will make no sense for some­one who is 40, or 60, (and vice versa!).

When guid­ed by this under­stand­ing of dynam­ic bal­anc­ing, of self-dis­cern­ing adjust­ment with­in and with­out, you move your­self in a State of Grace with a Mind that is at Peace. This is because you are mov­ing clos­er to Under­stand­ing as Prax­is, that you are one with the One, always. That all you need to do is lis­ten to your inner voice, the calm­ing light in your­self that watch­es over you forever…and all will be well.

To hon­or and move your­self along this path you can invoke the say­ing below which is the clos­ing prayer of the Nava­jo Bless­ing Way. Say to your­self now and everyday:

In beau­ty I walk
With Beau­ty before me I walk
With Beau­ty behind me I walk
With Beau­ty above me I walk
With Beau­ty around me I walk
It is done in Beauty


Always remember…You are Beauty…Live in Beauty…Be at Peace.

Mercury Turns Direct (August 26, 2011)


Now Piv­ot! Yes, that’s right Her­mes has come around and is head­ing for­ward again. You can take all those bril­liant revis­es, revi­sions and reviews and apply them to your life now.

Whew! That was some ret­ro­grade but it gave you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tune up your mind; you reex­am­ined and adjust­ed your per­cep­tions, pro­cess­ing and shar­ing of your thoughts. For the most part, you pre­pared your­self for today when you could begin to go out­ward with all that you have made ready.

With Mer­cury in Leo till Sep­tem­ber 9, it is time to stretch, strut and reveal your adept­ness in the com­mu­ni­ca­tion arts. The spot­light beckons…

Now show us what you’ve learned.…

Shine on Shin­ing Ones!

Mars Square Saturn (August 25, 2011)

Ouch! That hurt…but that’s what hap­pens when the plan­et of “Motion” meets the plan­et of “No!” Delays lead to frus­tra­tions, frus­tra­tions lead to anger…which takes you down the road of tri­als, trou­bles and tribulations…and so on. What are you sup­posed to do with this?

Remem­ber, you are here to grow and some­times that is easy, and some­times it is hard. When some­thing or some­one is block­ing you what are you sup­posed to do? You need to stop, (as if you had a choice), and look around to see what is the real prob­lem. Usu­al­ly it involves two points: 1) Where are you going, and 2) How are you get­ting there?

With Mars in Can­cer and Libra in Sat­urn it prob­a­bly involves the ten­sion between your desire and dri­ve for Secu­ri­ty and Nur­tur­ing (Mars) bump­ing into the Real­i­ty you have made, and now con­front, in your Rela­tion­ships (Sat­urn). You need to reex­am­ine that goal of secu­ri­ty and see whether what you are try­ing to get is what you real­ly want or need now. Maybe you have changed or the world has changed (or both), and the kind of secu­ri­ty you real­ly need is dif­fer­ent than the one you are aim­ing for. That is why the uni­verse is slow­ing you down…so you can see that. Your first chal­lenge is that you need to con­firm or change the goal.

The oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is that the goal is fine, that is where you need to go. But what you also need to affirm is the way you are get­ting there. Again, maybe you or the world has changed (or both), so that the old way of obtain­ing your goal is no longer appro­pri­ate or even avail­able. You need to look at your options, at the var­i­ous path­ways before you and try some­thing else in order to move to your goal.

Whichev­er it is, and some­times it is a lit­tle of both, the chal­lenge and oppor­tu­ni­ty here, as always, is for you to grow in under­stand­ing. You must not hold in your frus­tra­tions or anger, and you must not let them out either. Okay, now what?…You must take the Third Way, the Way of Under­stand­ing which is Way of Spir­it and your one True Path of Growth.

This is what is known as the Red Road, The Mid­dle Way, The Roy­al Road, which is the one and only way that will lead you in your unfold­ment from an unself-con­scious Spark of the Divine to the com­plete real­iza­tion of your Divine nature.

This is your journey…to grow con­tin­u­ous­ly, to become the becom­ing, as you unfold your­self upon the path­way that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.