Mars Enters Cancer & Mars Trine Neptune (Aug 3, 2011)

Mars leaves Gem­i­ni and glides into Can­cer for the next 45 days…Your Desires, Aims and Aspi­ra­tions become focused upon home, fam­i­ly and secu­ri­ty. Gem­i­ni brought curios­i­ty, diver­si­ty and debates…but now you want to pro­tect and pre­serve who and what is close to your heart.

You will act with more care­ful­ness (or cau­tion) now; it is time to lead with your feel­ings. You will act (and react) with height­ened sen­si­tiv­i­ty. Out­ward dis­plays and actions are super­seded now by inner jour­neys and dis­cov­er­ies. Whichev­er way you trav­el, before you sal­ly forth you will have to feel just right with it.

Stand­ing at the gate­way of the last Water Sign (and about to make a return vis­it back into Aquar­ius tomor­row), Nep­tune in Pisces wel­comes Mars to Can­cer by gen­tly caress­ing the Lord of Desire with gifts of Imag­i­na­tion, Intu­ition and Dreams. The Trine of Mars and Nep­tune is mag­i­cal, won­drous and inspi­ra­tional. This is a day for dream­ers who live to live their dreams!

Some­times it feels as if your dreams and your abil­i­ties will just not, or can­not, match up…But today, today if you believe in your dreams, if you fol­low your heart, you will expe­ri­ence the joy and truth of “Dream-mak­ers”.

That is when Imag­i­na­tion and Belief, when Inspi­ra­tion and Action, dance as one…That is where you find the Shin­ing Ones, the dream­ing-mak­ing Devas, who dance the Dance of Cre­ation that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Today, you will dance the dance of the Cre­ator. You will be inspired and inspi­ra­tional. You will dream and you will do…for that is your path, always and forever.

Dream on you shin­ing ones!

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