Daily Archives: August 4, 2011

Venus Square Jupiter (August 5, 2011)

When is too much, Too Much?…Today!

Venus and Jupiter are called the “less­er” and “greater” benefics in Astrol­o­gy; today they meet up in a square and that typ­i­cal­ly means you will over­do, overindulge and gen­er­al­ly ere on the side of excess. But real­ly, what does this align­ment mean spiritually?

If Venus rules your wants, and Jupiter defines your social prin­ci­ples, then today you are torn between your per­son­al val­ues and your social sen­si­bil­i­ties, between your needs and your social con­science (or spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment). You may feel that you have to choose between per­son­al enjoy­ment and social accept­abil­i­ty, between love and honor.

What you may want for your­self may not be good for your rela­tion­ship or vice ver­sa. Maybe you find your­self in a sit­u­a­tion where you are in love with some­one, but the rela­tion­ship is some­how just not work­ing. Or, you are in a good rela­tion­ship, but you do not feel (any­more) the love that you want. Of course you should not choose between one and the other…as always, you need to find the high­er way, the spir­i­tu­al path of inte­gra­tion. What is the nature of the challenge/choice and how do you do that?

Venus is in Leo, so it is speak­ing from those ide­al­is­tic realms of roman­tic love, of respect, appre­ci­a­tion and approval. Venus is enthralled by and act­ing out emo­tion­al­ly in the dreams of great romance, of Princes and Princess­es and sto­ry book end­ings. Jupiter weighs in (lit­er­al­ly, since it is after all the largest plan­et), from the prac­ti­cal realms of Tau­rus. What is the point of “great romance” if your cup­board is bare? How roman­tic is it when those dra­mat­ic ges­tures lead to dra­mas of despair instead of con­stan­cy, trust and commitment?

What you need (and what you want), as the famous slo­gan for wom­en’s rights had it, you must have “Bread and Ros­es”, secu­ri­ty and romance, com­mit­ment and excite­ment. As always, you must find the mid­dle way, the noble path where your per­son­al val­ues and social needs are inte­grat­ed and not torn apart from one another.…You must cre­ate a whole life, where each informs and shapes the other.

Rather than choose between love and hon­or you must work them back togeth­er if you can. One with­out the oth­er is not sus­tain­able (or healthy), for you or the other.

As always, the chal­lenge is not to choose but to take up the task of mak­ing whole what has come apart…

Love and Hon­or one another!