Daily Archives: August 6, 2011

Venus Sextile Saturn (August 7, 2011)

Venus style meets proven sub­stance in a grace­ful pas de deux; beau­ty, love and val­ue are ground­ed by and made more pro­found through the gift of Sat­urn’s expe­ri­ence. Pass­ing fan­cies will just not make it today; you need to expe­ri­ence last­ing val­ues, clas­si­cal beau­ty and endur­ing love.

With Venus mov­ing through Leo, and Sat­urn through Libra, their felic­i­tous align­ment affirms the truth that all great val­ue is found­ed upon expe­ri­ences that are shared; that the truth in beau­ty you find before you reflects your inner grace; and that ever­last­ing love is the won­drous real­i­ty which affirms your jour­ney in Life-Consciousness-Spirit. 

Take some time today to build upon the last­ing val­ues between your­self and anoth­er; enjoy the beau­ty around and with­in one anoth­er; and acknowl­edge, embrace and be assured by the force which binds you togeth­er with a great host of shin­ing ones, seek­ing to find your way to the One…again.