Mars Opposition Pluto (August 11, 2011)

This is some week! This is the oth­er “half” of the align­ment I men­tioned on August 9…now it is Plu­to’s turn to call the tune.

Mars is still swim­ming through the waters of Can­cer; dri­ving you to seek nur­tur­ing, to be car­ing and cau­tious, dri­ving you deep­er, homeward…back to your cen­ter. Plu­to the ruler of Will Pow­er and Con­trol is in Capri­corn the sign which gov­erns Tra­di­tion, Insti­tu­tions, Respon­si­bil­i­ty and Order. Plu­to as Will is an agent of spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment and is now dri­ving the evo­lu­tion of soci­eties and cul­tures towards a great renew­al, to a spir­i­tu­al re-birth; yet those same will­ful ener­gies are being drawn upon by many pow­ers that be to dou­ble-down on the exist­ing order as they seek to per­pet­u­ate their old ways. This strug­gle will play out over the next sev­er­al years. But what are you being asked to face with this align­ment today?

Mars is dri­ving you inward, towards your Core, to your inner val­ues and feel­ings; Plu­to is pulling you out­ward to face the world around you, to deal with Real­i­ty. You will feel a strug­gle, a tug of war, between your inner needs and your out­er respon­si­bil­i­ties, between your home and your career. The ques­tions raised will be: where is your true secu­ri­ty found; what are your duties/responsibilities to the soci­ety around you; are you act­ing too pro­tec­tive­ly of your­self and not evinc­ing enough com­mon or social con­science; or is the order around you fail­ing to pro­vide a mean­ing­ful, sus­tain­able way of liv­ing? These and many oth­er ques­tions are being con­front­ed here. What might you experience?

Per­haps someone/something is pres­sur­ing you, using (or abus­ing) their author­i­ty in order to force you to give way on some mat­ter that is per­son­al, cen­tral and essen­tial to you. Or you feel threat­ened (or you feel enti­tled) and so are attempt­ing to use your pow­er to force some­thing upon another.

Whichev­er it is…it must be stopped! You shall not yield to con­trol, manip­u­la­tion, and intimidation…you must remain cen­tered, strong and res­olute in your spir­i­tu­al integri­ty. Like­wise, you must respect the bound­aries, the spir­i­tu­al integri­ty of oth­ers and not seek to unrea­son­ably sway, influ­ence or in any way “con­trol” another…the only con­trol you need and must have is “Self” Control…everything else is illusion.

Maybe you are being forced to acknowl­edge that some­thing you desired is not right or pos­si­ble any­more; or maybe you real­ize that some new and high­er aspi­ra­tion must take the lead. You and your world are expe­ri­enc­ing major trans­for­ma­tions Now, and you must dig down deep and re-con­nect to Fun­da­men­tal Truths, to the Peren­ni­al Phi­los­o­phy, to the Ancient Teachings…for they are always there to guide you and keep you upon the spir­i­tu­al path of unfold­ment as you seek to become what you will.

The aware­ness that this oppo­si­tion brings is for your spir­i­tu­al advance­ment. To become more con­scious about why/what you desire, to reex­am­ine the nature of your desires, to ques­tion your aspi­ra­tions and to deep­en your expe­ri­ence of what you are and what you are to be.…

Remem­ber you are becom­ing the becom­ing through the prop­er exer­cise of your will with­in a world you con­tin­u­al­ly cre­ate with oth­er will­ing spir­its. You and they have made this real­i­ty that you now con­front as both a ful­fill­ment and obsta­cle to your fur­ther unfoldment.…

The good news is you have made this world; your chal­lenge today (and every­day) is to re-make the world and your­self as you become a ful­ly con­scious shin­ing one, a star among the stars.

Shine on!


6 thoughts on “Mars Opposition Pluto (August 11, 2011)

  1. sean

    very good insight­ful article -
    oh boy — def­i­nite­ly feel­ing this at the moment — feel a bit out of whack — strayed into some murky areas per­haps in the past few days.
    con­se­quent­ly guess im feel­ing the purge alright — mars squar­ing my own natal plu­to — thrown into the mix — (as well as the gen­er­al mars square oppo­site pluto)
    also that full moon squar­ing my own mercury.
    yeah definit­ly feels like i need to go back to the basic spir­i­tu­al integri­ty kind of thing — so some­what trans­for­ma­tive i sup­pose! — but still feels a bit sticky — plu­to ener­gy seems a bit shock­ing some­how — or penetrating/aggressive or some­thing like that. :/
    thanks for this though — think it helped get an angle on it. cheers fella.

  2. Bill Attride

    Dear Sean,
    Thank you! Yes, it always gets more “engag­ing” when the align­ments hap­pen­ing “up there” tie into one’s own chart more directly.
    Glad you are enjoy­ing my postings.…
    Best regards,


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