Daily Archives: August 13, 2011

Full Moon of Leo (August 13, 2011)

The Full Moon of Leo (Sun in Leo, Moon in Aquar­ius) serves to illu­mi­nate the rela­tion­ship between your per­son­al need for self-expres­sion, (for cre­ativ­i­ty, lead­er­ship and love), and con­trasts that to your social need to belong, (to be with your friends, com­pan­ions and com­mu­ni­ty), so that you can ful­fill one anoth­er’s dreams.

With the Sun in Leo now you feel the need to stretch your­self, to go beyond the beyond, to dance in that sun­ny spot­light as you per-form, as you dare to go fur­ther, as you seek to be seen for who you are, to be loved for being you.

But as the Bard said “ay, there’s the rub”; you must do this all with­in the social web of your life, with­in your com­mu­ni­ty, with and through your com­pan­ions and friends. You seek to be “you”, but that very you has been formed and informed by the social con­text through which it came into being. You wish to be “true to your­self”, but you want to appre­ci­at­ed, rec­og­nized, respect­ed even hon­ored by your world. What is the prob­lem or chal­lenge with that?

If you too strong­ly express/stretch your­self to be unique you may lose the hon­or and respect you need, (you will be so unique, so “out there” as to lose the con­text and mean­ing that comes from your rela­tion­ships); yet if you too cal­cu­late and mod­i­fy your mes­sage so as to earn that approval, you risk becom­ing “untrue” to your­self, (you might get the applause, but it is for “some­one” else, and you know it).

From the Leo per­spec­tive, if you so empha­size the need to “be you” your audi­ence can­not offer you their appre­ci­a­tion because there is no bridge, no con­nec­tion between your real­i­ty and theirs, (for the very abil­i­ty to con­nect, appre­ci­ate and respond to one anoth­er is found­ed upon our see­ing our­selves in one anoth­er). From the Aquar­i­an point, if you so sub­merge and lose your iden­ti­ty in the group your con­tri­bu­tion becomes worth-less and you will find your­self cast out, (your friends and com­pan­ions will most like­ly sense that you are some­one whose spir­i­tu­al com­pass spins to fit the sit­u­a­tion and they may turn away from you).

The challenge/awareness posed by this Full Moon is about your need to be aware of this rela­tion­ship and the bal­ance between your indi­vid­ual “truth” and your social “sig­nif­i­cance”. You must have both, for one with­out the oth­er is hol­low. You must hon­or your­self and the social web too.

This Full Moon reminds us that we are Danc­ing the Dance of Life. At this moment in the dance, here and now, you must stretch your­self “Meaningfully”…And, you must join with oth­ers “Authen­ti­cal­ly”. It is not whether you are “to be, or not to be”; rather what mat­ters is for you to be true to your­self as a spark of the Divine, and equal­ly true to your com­pan­ions in this great jour­ney of Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Dance your Dance of Spirit…as we all join togeth­er and Sing the Celes­tial Cho­rus Song!