Venus Conjunct Sun & Mercury Conjunct Venus & Mercury Conjunct Sun (August 16, 2011)

Triple Con­junc­tion Ahead!

Here is some­thing you will not see very often…and it is Beau­ti­ful to Behold…if you only had a van­tage point from which to see it! The radi­ance of the Sun is so strong that you can­not see Mer­cury or Venus because of the Sun’s glo­ry, but they are there, lined up with one anoth­er for you now…

The pic­ture below shows a view as if you were sta­tioned above the Sun look­ing down upon the orbits of the inner plan­ets. Earth is on the far left side, then comes Mer­cury, then the Sun, and on the oppo­site side of our Star is Venus. It is quite sim­ply just Beautiful!

Ah you ask, but what does it mean?”


With the Sun, Mer­cury and Venus (and Earth) aligned, this is indeed a spe­cial moment for inte­gra­tion, under­stand­ing and answers. The Sun, Mer­cury and Venus are all mov­ing through Leo right now so the ques­tion and answers con­cern the Lessons of the Lion. Let’s tease apart this Star­ry Trip­tych to under­stand the mes­sage of the stars.

Aphrodite rules val­ue, beau­ty and love; aligned with the Sun (your “self”) she offers you an oppor­tu­ni­ty (lit­er­al­ly) for attune­ment, for the renewed appre­ci­a­tion and under­stand­ing of your val­ue and self-worth. This “Full Moon” of Venus and Sol re-affirms that the source of your val­ue in this Uni­verse, is also the source of Love that binds all as One; it is the Spir­i­tu­al Spark of the Divine Flame which resides in each and every Consciousness.

The Ancient Teach­ings tell us that every space is Sacred Space, from the most micro­cos­mic to the far­thest reach­es of the Cos­mos; and that what is with­in you also sur­rounds you. You exist in this Ocean of Con­scious­ness and that is why you are loved…because you are Love…because you are a sacred space in the Space that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Her­mes mov­ing “back­wards” over Venus is part two of our Trip­tych today. Mer­cury has been help­ing you to review, reassess and revise your thoughts as regards lead­er­ship, respect and love. Aligned with Venus, Mer­cury receives a bless­ing that re-affirms the true source and nature of your leadership-respect-love…that it comes down quite sim­ply to a con­scious acknowl­edge­ment and expe­ri­ence that love is not “out there” so much as it must be first expe­ri­enced “in here”.

Before you can lead out there you must see where you are com­ing from; before you can earn respect out there you must first see your­self; and before you will be expe­ri­ence true, mature and uncon­di­tion­al love out there you must first open your­self to your “Love” in here. This is what you will expe­ri­ence today.

Final­ly, the third pan­el in our Star­ry Trip­tych brings Mer­cury over the Sun. This is the moment in the Mer­cury ret­ro­grade cycle that is most like a New Moon. It is the moment you have been wait­ing for since at least Mer­cury turned ret­ro­grade on August 2 (and prob­a­bly longer), for now you will receive an answer. Are you listening?

For Real­i­ty is such that the Spir­i­tu­al ener­gies and mes­sages of life, and of the Uni­verse gen­er­al­ly, oper­ate in sub­tle ways, in the “in-betweens”; you have to be aware of the whis­per in your ear or the touch of a feath­er more than a “shout out”. Your “self” as your teacher will not “cast its pearls before swine”, but will wait patient­ly for you to be ready, will­ing and able to “become the becoming”.

You must lis­ten now with your head, your heart and your soul. Turn away from the nois­es and dis­trac­tions around you, turn away from the mun­dane and towards the eter­nal and so lis­ten to your own true Self, your high­er Self who is always there seek­ing to guide you.

Today the mes­sage fol­lows the theme of the first two pan­els of our Trip­tych, (you are again remind­ed to align your­self with your Self). But now the empha­sis is on your thoughts about your­self. The Ideas you hold (or hold you), the thoughts that you think…you will become that. The great­est chal­lenge of this stage in human unfold­ment is the devel­op­ment of your mind…and your most impor­tant lessons require you to fol­low a prop­er “diet”…that is, you need to main­tain a prop­er men­tal diet!

The most impor­tant ele­ment of your men­tal aware­ness is that you must always seek to be inspired by your “Self” and so main­tain good thoughts about your­self. You are what you think…so think well! Today you will hear from your own true Self, from your high­er Self who knows you, guides you and loves you uncon­di­tion­al­ly and forever…listen to this mes­sage and then share it, for you need to spread the good word too… 

Remem­ber, you are nev­er alone, you will always be helped…and then you shall turn and help another…for that is “the way”.

Today cel­e­brate your Triple Attune­ment and gaze with won­der at the Beau­ty of your Star­ry Com­pan­ions who dance the dance of Spir­it as you jour­ney togeth­er along the Path­way of Light that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

5 thoughts on “Venus Conjunct Sun & Mercury Conjunct Venus & Mercury Conjunct Sun (August 16, 2011)

  1. Bill Attride

    It cer­tain­ly pro­vides a release of new under­stand­ing which always con­tributes to growth and progress! In fact it is at align­ments such as this that Ini­ti­a­tions take place.


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