Daily Archives: August 20, 2011

Venus Opposition Neptune (August 21, 2011)

How do you mea­sure your­self; how do you mea­sure any­thing? How do you know what you are “worth”; and how do you know what anoth­er means to you? How?

You went on a sim­i­lar jour­ney of dis­cov­ery with­in your­self in June; now the oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow seems to be tak­ing place between you and anoth­er. The align­ment of Venus and Nep­tune takes you beyond the beyond so that you might pon­der the source and sub­stance of Val­ue in your life.

Are you ready to lift the veil of Maya and see what is behind this Real­i­ty? Are you ready to step through the “Look­ing Glass” and see that there are many real­i­ties to con­sid­er? You (should) answer, “Yes of course I am”…for then you are ready to go on Posei­don’s ride into the depths of understanding.

Venus rules your Val­ues, your notion of what is good, wor­thy and beau­ti­ful. It rules what you need and want. By estab­lish­ing your hier­ar­chy of val­ues you are able to have the right rela­tion­ships with every­thing and every­one in your life. You know what you have, what you can give and what you must get.

Nep­tune rules Illu­mi­na­tion, the pow­er of Clair­voy­ance (Clear-See­ing), the pow­er that dis­solves bound­aries and opens you to the greater real­i­ty you real­ly exist in. You live in an appar­ent (to you) Uni­verse (which is lim­it­ed by your perceptions/assumptions); Nep­tune will con­tin­u­ous­ly keep open­ing the doors of per­cep­tion through­out your life to a greater, more encom­pass­ing real­i­ty called the Mul­ti-Verse, bet­ter known as Chaos (since that is how it appears to you with your more lim­it­ed consciousness).

That is what is real­ly “out there”; the Full­ness of the Glo­ry that is Cre­ation which you can only per­ceive in a lim­it­ed fash­ion. You can only encom­pass, hold to and see by your cir­cum­scribed point of view. Your growth depends upon expand­ing your aware­ness so that your per­cep­tion and under­stand­ing becomes more nuanced, more sub­tle, deep­er and truer.

As you do, you approach the “Truth”, but you can nev­er “touch” it. You become more val­ued as “Wise” to the extent that you also become more hum­bled. Your growth becomes real by let­ting go of your less­er sense of val­ue, your less­er sense of self, so that you might dis­cov­er the greater. Yet that very achieve­ment of a Greater Aware­ness is bal­anced and con­firmed by your ever wax­ing Humil­i­ty. For no mat­ter how far you have come, you still have very, very far to go.…

So, take this won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty today to pierce through your mis­per­cep­tions, con­fu­sions and delu­sions of your own val­ue and worth that will be reflect­ed by and shown to you through your rela­tion­ship with anoth­er. Oppo­si­tions work like that; you see the “thing” or “issue” or “prob­lem” in the oth­er, but it is that “Look­ing Glass”, that mir­ror reflect­ing back upon you some­thing you need to see with­in yourself.

Look at that reflec­tion, imag­ine your­self mov­ing beyond, through the mir­ror and beyond the for­mer val­ues and assump­tions that lim­it you and that relationship…then you will per­ceive that greater space of under­stand­ing and say, “Ah hah! Now I see through a lens more clear­ly, the dark­ness is break­ing into dawn”.

And you smile and exclaim, “Now, I see You!”

And so you shall.…