Sun Enters Virgo (August 23, 2011)

The Sixth Por­tal opens…and a Sac­ri­fice should be made for you are enter­ing the Sacred space that is Virgo…you are enter­ing your Vir­gin Space…you are enter­ing a time of Healing.

To be Vir­ginal, in the ancient teach­ings, real­ly means to “make your­self whole again”. You pre­pare for and go through an ini­ti­a­tion, to become more com­plete, more inte­grat­ed, and there­by read­ied for that fuller par­tic­i­pa­tion in the larg­er world of soci­ety and rela­tion­ships (which will come next as you enter into Libra’s realm).

Before you can tru­ly relate to anoth­er, you must har­vest the mean­ing of what you have so far under­stood of your­self, and you must use this knowl­edge to make your­self more whole. You do this so that you may become more at peace with your­self and the life you have made. Then, and only then, can you move into bal­anced, mature inter-depen­dent relationships.

The days of Leo, of dra­mat­ic per­for­mances, of dar­ing lead­er­ship, of roman­tic love must give way now… Out­ward­ness again yields to Inward­ness, to your need for refine­ment, order­li­ness and peace of mind. Fire gives way to Earth, your great ideas and bold plans must prove their worth in the real world…The Ide­al must work and so serve some purpose…this is the mes­sage of Virgo.

Fixed deter­mi­na­tion to “Release the Self” is fol­lowed now by the Muta­ble adapt­abil­i­ty of your mind as you seek to “Under­stand the Self”. You must work now to rec­on­cile and har­mo­nize your life with­in with your world without.

The pow­ers of Vir­go, the gifts of Dis­cern­ment, Analy­sis and Applied Self-Improve­ment, are here for you now; Vir­go is here so that you may ascer­tain, cor­rect and refine what you have so far become in your becom­ing. There is no “right” or “wrong”; there is more evolved or less evolved, more inte­grat­ed or less integrated.

In order to bring about your devel­op­ment you will encounter “Suf­fer­ing” in your present cir­cum­stance. It is this suf­fer­ing which forces you to let go of a less­er sense of your­self and dis­cov­er the Greater. Suf­fer­ing is not “doled out” by some judg­men­tal fig­ure out­side of your­self; you “attract” or bring your suf­fer­ing as a less than gen­tle reminder that you are not yet what you can be; and you must sac­ri­fice that less­er self and the old ways in order to move into your new and greater life.

To make a Sac­ri­fice is lit­er­al­ly to “Make Sacred”; you must give up some­thing less­er, some­thing that is not or no longer true for you in order to unfold and release your Self into your life. True Sac­ri­fice, though involv­ing some pain for the loss of what is pass­ing, is Joy­ous as you become more aligned with the mean­ing and pur­pose of your life. 

This is the gift of Vir­go; you are expe­ri­enc­ing the Quick­en­ing of your spir­it as you become the becom­ing. You are approach­ing that most Sacred gift which all the Mas­ters and Teach­ers have held as the Most Pre­cious Gift above all oth­er treasures.…you are giv­ing up the less­er to hon­or the greater and so receive the great­est gift… Peace of Mind.

Cel­e­brate the Sea­son of Virgo…

Your Time for Sac­ri­fice and Healing…

Your Time to Move into your Space of Peace!

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