Daily Archives: August 24, 2011

Mars Square Saturn (August 25, 2011)

Ouch! That hurt…but that’s what hap­pens when the plan­et of “Motion” meets the plan­et of “No!” Delays lead to frus­tra­tions, frus­tra­tions lead to anger…which takes you down the road of tri­als, trou­bles and tribulations…and so on. What are you sup­posed to do with this?

Remem­ber, you are here to grow and some­times that is easy, and some­times it is hard. When some­thing or some­one is block­ing you what are you sup­posed to do? You need to stop, (as if you had a choice), and look around to see what is the real prob­lem. Usu­al­ly it involves two points: 1) Where are you going, and 2) How are you get­ting there?

With Mars in Can­cer and Libra in Sat­urn it prob­a­bly involves the ten­sion between your desire and dri­ve for Secu­ri­ty and Nur­tur­ing (Mars) bump­ing into the Real­i­ty you have made, and now con­front, in your Rela­tion­ships (Sat­urn). You need to reex­am­ine that goal of secu­ri­ty and see whether what you are try­ing to get is what you real­ly want or need now. Maybe you have changed or the world has changed (or both), and the kind of secu­ri­ty you real­ly need is dif­fer­ent than the one you are aim­ing for. That is why the uni­verse is slow­ing you down…so you can see that. Your first chal­lenge is that you need to con­firm or change the goal.

The oth­er pos­si­bil­i­ty is that the goal is fine, that is where you need to go. But what you also need to affirm is the way you are get­ting there. Again, maybe you or the world has changed (or both), so that the old way of obtain­ing your goal is no longer appro­pri­ate or even avail­able. You need to look at your options, at the var­i­ous path­ways before you and try some­thing else in order to move to your goal.

Whichev­er it is, and some­times it is a lit­tle of both, the chal­lenge and oppor­tu­ni­ty here, as always, is for you to grow in under­stand­ing. You must not hold in your frus­tra­tions or anger, and you must not let them out either. Okay, now what?…You must take the Third Way, the Way of Under­stand­ing which is Way of Spir­it and your one True Path of Growth.

This is what is known as the Red Road, The Mid­dle Way, The Roy­al Road, which is the one and only way that will lead you in your unfold­ment from an unself-con­scious Spark of the Divine to the com­plete real­iza­tion of your Divine nature.

This is your journey…to grow con­tin­u­ous­ly, to become the becom­ing, as you unfold your­self upon the path­way that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.