Ouch! That hurt…but that’s what happens when the planet of “Motion” meets the planet of “No!” Delays lead to frustrations, frustrations lead to anger…which takes you down the road of trials, troubles and tribulations…and so on. What are you supposed to do with this?
Remember, you are here to grow and sometimes that is easy, and sometimes it is hard. When something or someone is blocking you what are you supposed to do? You need to stop, (as if you had a choice), and look around to see what is the real problem. Usually it involves two points: 1) Where are you going, and 2) How are you getting there?
With Mars in Cancer and Libra in Saturn it probably involves the tension between your desire and drive for Security and Nurturing (Mars) bumping into the Reality you have made, and now confront, in your Relationships (Saturn). You need to reexamine that goal of security and see whether what you are trying to get is what you really want or need now. Maybe you have changed or the world has changed (or both), and the kind of security you really need is different than the one you are aiming for. That is why the universe is slowing you down…so you can see that. Your first challenge is that you need to confirm or change the goal.
The other possibility is that the goal is fine, that is where you need to go. But what you also need to affirm is the way you are getting there. Again, maybe you or the world has changed (or both), so that the old way of obtaining your goal is no longer appropriate or even available. You need to look at your options, at the various pathways before you and try something else in order to move to your goal.
Whichever it is, and sometimes it is a little of both, the challenge and opportunity here, as always, is for you to grow in understanding. You must not hold in your frustrations or anger, and you must not let them out either. Okay, now what?…You must take the Third Way, the Way of Understanding which is Way of Spirit and your one True Path of Growth.
This is what is known as the Red Road, The Middle Way, The Royal Road, which is the one and only way that will lead you in your unfoldment from an unself-conscious Spark of the Divine to the complete realization of your Divine nature.
This is your journey…to grow continuously, to become the becoming, as you unfold yourself upon the pathway that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.