Daily Archives: August 25, 2011

Mercury Turns Direct (August 26, 2011)


Now Piv­ot! Yes, that’s right Her­mes has come around and is head­ing for­ward again. You can take all those bril­liant revis­es, revi­sions and reviews and apply them to your life now.

Whew! That was some ret­ro­grade but it gave you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tune up your mind; you reex­am­ined and adjust­ed your per­cep­tions, pro­cess­ing and shar­ing of your thoughts. For the most part, you pre­pared your­self for today when you could begin to go out­ward with all that you have made ready.

With Mer­cury in Leo till Sep­tem­ber 9, it is time to stretch, strut and reveal your adept­ness in the com­mu­ni­ca­tion arts. The spot­light beckons…

Now show us what you’ve learned.…

Shine on Shin­ing Ones!