New Moon in Virgo (August 28, 2011)

Live in Beau­ty! Be at Peace! The Gift of Vir­go is at hand.

Wel­come the sixth New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year. Each Sun Moon align­ment releas­es a new seed-form to guide your under­stand­ing. This time it is a gift from Vir­go, a gift that can move you clos­er to what you have always sought, Peace of Mind.

The Vir­go New Moon offers you Peace through pro­vid­ing new insight, inspi­ra­tion and prac­ti­cal guid­ance for inte­gra­tion with­in your­self, and for your inte­gra­tion with the world around you. You will have greater pow­ers of dis­cern­ment now so that you can make adjust­ments in your life and bring you and your “self” into truer align­ment, into that greater Wholeness…into your State of Grace.

To “Live in Beau­ty” is to acquire, main­tain or restore bal­ance in life. You need to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to exam­ine your life, to see if there is bal­ance in your life now. To have that peace with­in and with­out, you need to cre­ate a har­mo­ny between: Activity/Rest, Work/Play, Outwardness/Inwardness…you need to cre­ate a whole life. Instead, when you do too much of one thing, and not enough of anoth­er, well then you are mov­ing into non­sense, you are stum­bling into error…and you will suffer.

And just because you had a bal­ance at one time will not serve you for all time; for the world is ever chang­ing as are you…So you must stay alert and adapt inward­ly and out­ward­ly (con­stant­ly); it is quite evi­dent what works for some­one who is 20 will make no sense for some­one who is 40, or 60, (and vice versa!).

When guid­ed by this under­stand­ing of dynam­ic bal­anc­ing, of self-dis­cern­ing adjust­ment with­in and with­out, you move your­self in a State of Grace with a Mind that is at Peace. This is because you are mov­ing clos­er to Under­stand­ing as Prax­is, that you are one with the One, always. That all you need to do is lis­ten to your inner voice, the calm­ing light in your­self that watch­es over you forever…and all will be well.

To hon­or and move your­self along this path you can invoke the say­ing below which is the clos­ing prayer of the Nava­jo Bless­ing Way. Say to your­self now and everyday:

In beau­ty I walk
With Beau­ty before me I walk
With Beau­ty behind me I walk
With Beau­ty above me I walk
With Beau­ty around me I walk
It is done in Beauty


Always remember…You are Beauty…Live in Beauty…Be at Peace.

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