Daily Archives: August 29, 2011

Venus Trine Jupiter (August 30, 2011)

Beau­ty meets Benevolence…and yes it is very, very good!

Enjoy this align­ment of Venus (values/beauty) with Jupiter (principles/truth). It is the meet­ing of what you want with what you relate to. What does that mean?

Now you will get what you want! But do you under­stand why and how this works?

The true source of your good for­tune is in your own hands, always. It is the end result of your walk­ing the path of truth, of prac­tic­ing right think­ing and right con­duct. You must always remem­ber that your life is gov­erned by one true and immutable law, The Law of Kar­ma, the law of cause and effect. What does that mean?

What I like to say is quite sim­ply, “Life is like a boomerang, what­ev­er you throw or put out there is com­ing back to you”. The thoughts that you think, the feel­ings you feel and the things that you do, well they move out from you into the uni­verse. You are the cre­ator and they are your chil­dren. But even­tu­al­ly they must return from whence they came…That is why there is, ulti­mate­ly, true jus­tice in the world for “as you sow so shall you reap”.

The mea­sure of your good luck today is the result of the gen­eros­i­ty you have offered up in the past. You are receiv­ing the ben­e­fits that you bestowed in the past…and you should take today’s gift and do what? Why, of course, you need to cre­ate more good for­tune by liv­ing spir­i­tu­al­ly; live gen­er­ous­ly, thought­ful­ly and com­pas­sion­ate­ly for one anoth­er each and every day. For part of the mys­tery of good for­tune is that by com­bin­ing with one anoth­er we mul­ti­ply our effects. In oth­er words, you put in so much from your­self, but you reap so much more when you do it with and for one another.

Give so that you may receive.…Receive so that you may give…

And may the cir­cle be unbro­ken, for­ev­er and ever…