Daily Archives: August 30, 2011

Jupiter Turns Retrograde (August 30, 2011)

On the same day that the less­er benef­ic (Venus) aligns with the greater benef­ic (Jupiter) you also have Jupiter turn­ing ret­ro­grade till Decem­ber 25, 2011. What does Jupiter’s ret­ro­grade offer you?

Jupiter is the plan­et of Prin­ci­ples; it rules Truths, Phi­los­o­phy, Sci­ence and Reli­gion. Jupiter is the plan­et of your high­er mind. It is the plan­et that leads you out­ward as you explore the wider world, out into your “rela­tion­ships of choice”. Those rela­tion­ships are made pos­si­ble by and found­ed upon Jupiter’s gift of your ever-expand­ing and greater under­stand­ing. But that growth exter­nal­ly must be matched by growth with­in your­self; a tow­er can only be as tall as its foun­da­tions are deep.

Jupiter’s ret­ro­grade gift offers this oppor­tu­ni­ty for you now. This is the time to grow inward­ly, to con­sid­er what you know and what you believe; you should look with­in and reex­am­ine the truths you stand upon. Those truths form your atti­tudes and there­by cre­ate your inten­tions in the world.

Of course out­ward expan­sion will con­tin­ue now, but your greater rewards, your bet­ter path, will be found by your jour­neys with­in; it will be those dis­cov­er­ies of the deep which will bring you clos­er to your truth-path. And, it will be this Jupi­ter­ian jour­ney with­in that will cre­ate the build­ing blocks for your exter­nal expan­sions in 2012 and beyond.

Jupiter will move back­wards through Tau­rus dur­ing this peri­od, so the expe­ri­ence will be a jour­ney with­in your­self that reviews, reex­am­ines and clar­i­fies your beliefs as regards: 1) The nature of val­ue, the what and why of the val­ue of any­thing, 2) Your rela­tion­ship of val­ue to your­self, your self-worth, and 3) How your under­stand­ing of val­ues and your self-worth cre­ate the expe­ri­ence of your rela­tion­ships, whose core of con­nec­tion is found­ed upon shared values.

Take time dur­ing the com­ing months to reap this har­vest, this fruit of the expe­ri­ence about your truths. It is those truths which have guid­ed and formed your sense of val­ues. Do not judge “good” or “bad”, for you learn from each and often more from when you stumbled.

Seek always to align your truths with the greater wis­dom that is time­less. Then take out your “Sword of Sev­er­ance” as you cut away the less­er, as you har­vest the pre­cious mean­ings of your life.

This har­vest is what brings you clos­er, into the “Greater Under­stand­ing”, and that is your real jour­ney, that is your true path, as you become the becoming.…

Choose wisely…choose the path that leads to the growth of understanding.

May the Light of Jupiter bring you Truth, Love and Understanding.