Monthly Archives: August 2011

Sun Enters Virgo (August 23, 2011)

The Sixth Por­tal opens…and a Sac­ri­fice should be made for you are enter­ing the Sacred space that is Virgo…you are enter­ing your Vir­gin Space…you are enter­ing a time of Healing.

To be Vir­ginal, in the ancient teach­ings, real­ly means to “make your­self whole again”. You pre­pare for and go through an ini­ti­a­tion, to become more com­plete, more inte­grat­ed, and there­by read­ied for that fuller par­tic­i­pa­tion in the larg­er world of soci­ety and rela­tion­ships (which will come next as you enter into Libra’s realm).

Before you can tru­ly relate to anoth­er, you must har­vest the mean­ing of what you have so far under­stood of your­self, and you must use this knowl­edge to make your­self more whole. You do this so that you may become more at peace with your­self and the life you have made. Then, and only then, can you move into bal­anced, mature inter-depen­dent relationships.

The days of Leo, of dra­mat­ic per­for­mances, of dar­ing lead­er­ship, of roman­tic love must give way now… Out­ward­ness again yields to Inward­ness, to your need for refine­ment, order­li­ness and peace of mind. Fire gives way to Earth, your great ideas and bold plans must prove their worth in the real world…The Ide­al must work and so serve some purpose…this is the mes­sage of Virgo.

Fixed deter­mi­na­tion to “Release the Self” is fol­lowed now by the Muta­ble adapt­abil­i­ty of your mind as you seek to “Under­stand the Self”. You must work now to rec­on­cile and har­mo­nize your life with­in with your world without.

The pow­ers of Vir­go, the gifts of Dis­cern­ment, Analy­sis and Applied Self-Improve­ment, are here for you now; Vir­go is here so that you may ascer­tain, cor­rect and refine what you have so far become in your becom­ing. There is no “right” or “wrong”; there is more evolved or less evolved, more inte­grat­ed or less integrated.

In order to bring about your devel­op­ment you will encounter “Suf­fer­ing” in your present cir­cum­stance. It is this suf­fer­ing which forces you to let go of a less­er sense of your­self and dis­cov­er the Greater. Suf­fer­ing is not “doled out” by some judg­men­tal fig­ure out­side of your­self; you “attract” or bring your suf­fer­ing as a less than gen­tle reminder that you are not yet what you can be; and you must sac­ri­fice that less­er self and the old ways in order to move into your new and greater life.

To make a Sac­ri­fice is lit­er­al­ly to “Make Sacred”; you must give up some­thing less­er, some­thing that is not or no longer true for you in order to unfold and release your Self into your life. True Sac­ri­fice, though involv­ing some pain for the loss of what is pass­ing, is Joy­ous as you become more aligned with the mean­ing and pur­pose of your life. 

This is the gift of Vir­go; you are expe­ri­enc­ing the Quick­en­ing of your spir­it as you become the becom­ing. You are approach­ing that most Sacred gift which all the Mas­ters and Teach­ers have held as the Most Pre­cious Gift above all oth­er treasures.…you are giv­ing up the less­er to hon­or the greater and so receive the great­est gift… Peace of Mind.

Cel­e­brate the Sea­son of Virgo…

Your Time for Sac­ri­fice and Healing…

Your Time to Move into your Space of Peace!

Sun Opposition Neptune (August 22, 2011)

Dream­ing time…The Won­der of Wonders…Worlds with­in Worlds…

Who am I, the Dream­er or the Dream? And, who are You?

That’s right, it is anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to align your “self” with the Ambas­sador of Tran­scen­dence, the Lord of Illu­mi­na­tion, Nep­tune graces the Sun with a kiss from…

From Beyond the Beyond.

Where­as in their last embrace in May you were guid­ed with­in to find the deep­er sources of the real­i­ty through which you jour­ney, your “self” that is always mov­ing-seek­ing-reach­ing to become…Now the encounter comes through “the oth­er”; you must look into the win­dows of the soul, into those eyes before you, which reveal the sto­ry that is never-ending.

The Sun is about to leave the Spaces of Leo for Vir­go, but before Sol shifts you receive this part­ing gift from Nep­tune in Aquar­ius. The Sun’s jour­ney through Leo has re-kin­dled and con­nect­ed your “self” with the joys of self-expres­sion, with Cre­ativ­i­ty, Lead­er­ship and Love…all so that you could gaze upon your­self revealed by your­self and so exclaim:

I am that, I am!”

But an actor needs the audi­ence, a leader serves their fol­low­ers and your love must be returned…Now, as you pre­pare to leave Leo’s stage, you look to see, to see whether you are appre­ci­at­ed, respect­ed and loved. You look out and the Muse of Mys­ter­ies gazes back and asks the eter­nal ques­tion, “Who are You?”

Nep­tune stands before you now, reflect­ing back to you the mes­sage of the Greater Cos­mos that is always “Beyond”, (but tru­ly “With­in”), and the mes­sage is about the Mys­tery of Com­pan­ion­ship and the true Foun­da­tion for Friend­ship. For as you sought to express and so “know your­self” you drew upon your Well of Dreams, the Spir­it of Inspi­ra­tion that is with­in you, that Spark of the Divine Flame that is the Ever-Unfold­ing Core of you.

And the only rea­son that you could have any response from your world, from the oth­er before you, the one and the true basis for all of your rela­tion­ships to any­thing and any­one, is that they too are part of this same Eter­nal Source of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. You, me we are all Sparks of the One Divine Flame that is the Light that will nev­er fail, the ever-present Foun­tain-Source from the Begin­ning and to the Beyond.

Today, Nep­tune greets the Sun and reminds you that you are the Dream­er, you are the “Imag­i­neer” and you jour­ney with a glo­ri­ous host of fel­low Mon­ads, fel­low Dream-Walk­ers seek­ing to become. You unfold your dream with­in the greater dream of your com­pan­ions, who accom­pa­ny, sup­port and make sub­stan­tial your dreams as you do the same for them.

Dream today, dream togeth­er and believe in the becom­ing that you are. You are the Shin­ing Ones who togeth­er are dream­ing the Song of Songs.

That is who you are…

You are a Shin­ing One!

Venus Enters Virgo (August 21, 2011)

It’s that time again, to be “picky”, dis­cern­ing, circumspect…yes, even crit­i­cal. Venus enters Vir­go for over 3 weeks and your tastes are due for a tune-up. Enough with high-sound­ing ideals, bold plans and dra­mat­ic gestures…what works is what counts!

While Venus was in Leo you rev­eled in the worlds of cre­ativ­i­ty, lead­er­ship and love; and romance, well romance was every­where. Now you need to be “cor­rect­ed” (and of course you must do unto oth­ers as they will do to you); so it is time to cri­tique your cre­ation, improve your per­for­mance and refine your love.

Bring to bear your chis­el eye, your per­spic­u­ous point of view so that noth­ing is over-looked. Bring your love to the small­est of details, the refined nuances of taste, smell, touch, of sound and sight.

Your sub­tle­ty and that rapi­er wit will be in demand now, but show that you tru­ly care by help­ing one anoth­er to find “the bet­ter angels of your nature”. Offer your advice but be pre­pared to receive it too…

You are here to serve one another…with Love, always with Love.

Venus Opposition Neptune (August 21, 2011)

How do you mea­sure your­self; how do you mea­sure any­thing? How do you know what you are “worth”; and how do you know what anoth­er means to you? How?

You went on a sim­i­lar jour­ney of dis­cov­ery with­in your­self in June; now the oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow seems to be tak­ing place between you and anoth­er. The align­ment of Venus and Nep­tune takes you beyond the beyond so that you might pon­der the source and sub­stance of Val­ue in your life.

Are you ready to lift the veil of Maya and see what is behind this Real­i­ty? Are you ready to step through the “Look­ing Glass” and see that there are many real­i­ties to con­sid­er? You (should) answer, “Yes of course I am”…for then you are ready to go on Posei­don’s ride into the depths of understanding.

Venus rules your Val­ues, your notion of what is good, wor­thy and beau­ti­ful. It rules what you need and want. By estab­lish­ing your hier­ar­chy of val­ues you are able to have the right rela­tion­ships with every­thing and every­one in your life. You know what you have, what you can give and what you must get.

Nep­tune rules Illu­mi­na­tion, the pow­er of Clair­voy­ance (Clear-See­ing), the pow­er that dis­solves bound­aries and opens you to the greater real­i­ty you real­ly exist in. You live in an appar­ent (to you) Uni­verse (which is lim­it­ed by your perceptions/assumptions); Nep­tune will con­tin­u­ous­ly keep open­ing the doors of per­cep­tion through­out your life to a greater, more encom­pass­ing real­i­ty called the Mul­ti-Verse, bet­ter known as Chaos (since that is how it appears to you with your more lim­it­ed consciousness).

That is what is real­ly “out there”; the Full­ness of the Glo­ry that is Cre­ation which you can only per­ceive in a lim­it­ed fash­ion. You can only encom­pass, hold to and see by your cir­cum­scribed point of view. Your growth depends upon expand­ing your aware­ness so that your per­cep­tion and under­stand­ing becomes more nuanced, more sub­tle, deep­er and truer.

As you do, you approach the “Truth”, but you can nev­er “touch” it. You become more val­ued as “Wise” to the extent that you also become more hum­bled. Your growth becomes real by let­ting go of your less­er sense of val­ue, your less­er sense of self, so that you might dis­cov­er the greater. Yet that very achieve­ment of a Greater Aware­ness is bal­anced and con­firmed by your ever wax­ing Humil­i­ty. For no mat­ter how far you have come, you still have very, very far to go.…

So, take this won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty today to pierce through your mis­per­cep­tions, con­fu­sions and delu­sions of your own val­ue and worth that will be reflect­ed by and shown to you through your rela­tion­ship with anoth­er. Oppo­si­tions work like that; you see the “thing” or “issue” or “prob­lem” in the oth­er, but it is that “Look­ing Glass”, that mir­ror reflect­ing back upon you some­thing you need to see with­in yourself.

Look at that reflec­tion, imag­ine your­self mov­ing beyond, through the mir­ror and beyond the for­mer val­ues and assump­tions that lim­it you and that relationship…then you will per­ceive that greater space of under­stand­ing and say, “Ah hah! Now I see through a lens more clear­ly, the dark­ness is break­ing into dawn”.

And you smile and exclaim, “Now, I see You!”

And so you shall.…

Mars Sextile Jupiter (August 18, 2011)

Steady, steady…Okay, now you are mak­ing progress!

When your Desires, Aims and Actions (Mars) are steered by your Prin­ci­ples and Truths (Jupiter), you are going to expe­ri­ence pos­i­tive results. You are now able to make sig­nif­i­cant advances in under­stand­ing more about, as well as actu­al­ly mov­ing towards, your goals.

Mars is about 1/3 the way through Can­cer now, still seek­ing to meet your needs for find­ing your cen­ter, feel­ing more secure and being nur­tured. Jupiter in Tau­rus caress­es Mars with the under­stand­ing that in order for you to reach that cen­ter, in order to cre­ate that secure space you must first be ground­ed, (in both inner dri­ves and out­er goals), by sig­nif­i­cant, sub­stan­tial and tan­gi­ble val­ues. This greater under­stand­ing of your fun­da­men­tal truths will keep you in the right spir­it and on the right path. 

When you find the wind is at your back and the trail ahead is steady and sure, well then you are ready to shine indeed. Today cel­e­brate this felic­i­tous fusion of Action and Prin­ci­ple, of Ener­gy and Intention.

Right Inten­tion + Right Action = Right Results. Go for it!