Monthly Archives: September 2011

Sun Sextile Mars (September 30, 2011)

Today the Sun and Mars meet, they align in that “sweet spot”, that sacred inter­sec­tion of space and time where poten­tial and real­iza­tion, your promise and the prize have come togeth­er. Today is the day for steady, sure progress…especially with regards to relationship.

The Sun is your pure poten­tial, all that you can ever be in this life; your self-becom­ing is ever unfold­ing as you seek to real­ize your­self in the worlds with­in and around you. Mars is the dynam­ic force of your out­ward reach­ing; it is your inces­sant dri­ve, your desire and aspi­ra­tion to become what you will be.

The prin­ci­ple theme of the Sun in Libra is the mys­tery and won­der of you reach­ing a greater self-aware­ness through and because you reached out to anoth­er; you moved out and yet you moved in to con­nect more deeply with yourself.

Mars in Leo guides the Sun now by remind­ing you that one of the sacred prin­ci­ples of this process is that your moti­va­tions, intents and actions with regard to rela­tion­ship must be formed, guid­ed and so express an over-arch­ing rev­er­ence, respect and love for your­self, the oth­er and that third part of the equa­tion, the space between that forms the “we” of I and thou.

Today is a day to expe­ri­ence this sym­me­try, of right rela­tion­ship found­ed upon right action. The key is respect, for oneself…for the oth­er. You move out with respect from your sacred space to con­nect to the oth­er in their sacred space. And when this is so you are able to cre­ate, con­nect and move into the new­ly sacred space that is “we”.

And then…well, then mag­ic happens!

Venus Conjunct Saturn (September 29, 2011)

It is “Beau­ty meets the Beast” time again. But this time their “Pas de Deux” begins a new cycle for you… It’s their dance of val­ue and form, of love and order…But just like in a New Moon their com­ing togeth­er offers you a new dis­pen­sa­tion, a new mes­sage and inspi­ra­tion for the won­drous, delight­ful expe­ri­ence of being with one another.

Venus is in Libra, her own sign, skip­ping along and rejoic­ing in the delights and diver­sions that beau­ty, and beau­ti­ful rela­tion­ships, bring into your life. The mys­te­ri­ous force that draws you to all and every, that sings through, binds togeth­er and forms the Spaces of Space, is the Foun­tain Source of attrac­tion of one to anoth­er because all are one through the One. It is this shim­mer­ing, glow­ing ener­gy that holds all of cre­ation together…and you expe­ri­ence and know this as Love.

This is the Song of Venus and she is singing it strong­ly now.

Sat­urn, the plan­et of order, respon­si­bil­i­ty and real­i­ty is also sail­ing through Libra. He has brought the need to bear wit­ness, to make clear­er and more objec­tive, the neces­si­ty for prin­ci­ples and rules, for agree­ments and laws, so that each and every par­ty to a rela­tion­ship can be mutu­al­ly assured of what is to be offered and what is to be received. Sat­urn is the voice of tra­di­tion; Sat­urn is rea­son and cau­tion, and seeks to pre­serve and pro­tect what has come to be known, estab­lished and proven to be true so far.

Sat­urn sings the Song of Hon­or, of your respon­si­bil­i­ty to one anoth­er now.

The dance of Venus with Sat­urn reminds you that your rela­tion­ship to one anoth­er is found­ed in love and bound­ed by expe­ri­ence. Venus loves the “beast” Sat­urn for he rep­re­sents the endur­ing forms of love that have been met, mas­tered and passed down in the Ancient Teach­ings, in the wis­dom which helps you to find your way to one anoth­er; and Sat­urn loves and bends his knee to Venus, the beloved, for she holds the promise of love ever­last­ing, of love eter­nal, which is the bea­con and light in the dark­ness, hold­ing you steady, as you jour­ney out and in along the path that is Life-Consciousness-Spirit.

Dance your dance of the plan­ets, dance for ever­last­ing love…

Sun Square Pluto & Mercury Square Pluto & Mercury Conjunct Sun (September 28, 2011)

Can you feel it? Did you sense some­thing? Oh yes, yes you did! It’s been build­ing for some time now…but now the stars have aligned. You’ve reached a cross­roads, a fork…a real piv­ot point in the ener­gies of the cos­mos. It is a “triple-play” of the Sun, Mer­cury and Plu­to who align with one anoth­er today; you need to lis­ten to their mes­sage, and work with these ener­gies that flow down to work through you, a gift and a chal­lenge from your celes­tial companions.

The Sun square Plu­to reminds you of the pow­er of the will in your life and in the world around you. You are a sacred space that you have estab­lished and main­tain by your will. You jour­ney through the greater space around you that is filled with oth­er will­ing souls. The chal­lenge, always, is to unfold one­self and devel­op ever greater self-con­trol so that you may pro­tect your space while hon­or­ing the sacred space of others.

As the Sun squares Plu­to you may feel as if some­thing or some­one is press­ing upon you, attempt­ing to per­suade or force you to feel, think or do some­thing you do not wish to do. And you must not allow this. Or, it may be you who is attempt­ing to do this, (and prob­a­bly with the best of inten­tions), and so you must stop your­self. For they or you will fail in the end.

Because the only change that holds, the only dif­fer­ence they or you can make will be done will­ing­ly and so freely…by respect­ing, hon­or­ing and lov­ing the sacred spaces of one anoth­er. The only true use of the pow­er of the will, the pur­pose of this test, is so that you may gain greater con­trol over your­self. Use this ener­gy now; turn it back upon your own space and make it stronger, deep­er and so clos­er to your “Self”.

Then it is Mer­cury’s turn to dance with Plu­to. Again you are in a test of wills, but now it is focused upon your mind, upon the words, ideas, beliefs which you use to under­stand and con­nect to the sacred spaces around you. Now it is men­tal pres­sure, mind-stuff that is weigh­ing on you. Either some­one is con­vinced that their view must become yours, or you are the one exert­ing your will upon anoth­er’s mind.

Yes, again the les­son is the same as before. The only con­trol you had, have and will have is “self-con­trol”; every­thing else is illu­sion. For if anoth­er forces you to their way of think­ing, it will not hold because you have not freely accept­ed and inte­grat­ed that point of view. And, if you force anoth­er to your way, you only dimin­ish their will for a time and so make them, (and you in the end), weak­er. Again, use this ener­gy as you should, to gain ever greater con­trol and so depth of your own mind.

Final­ly, Mer­cury aligns with the Sun in what is called the Supe­ri­or Con­junc­tion, since it takes place on the far side of the Sun (for us). It is more like a Full Moon of the mind and so it is a moment of rev­e­la­tion. The mind is Illu­mined by the Sun; har­nessed, focused and intent upon one thing only now…Relationship.

To con­nect with anoth­er, to real­ly under­stand and appre­ci­ate the truth of rela­tion­ship con­scious­ly, is remark­able and hum­bling. When you expe­ri­ence the light of under­stand­ing in the oth­er, be it in a word, phrase, con­cept or that look in their eye, your soul smiles.

Because you have come to under­stand that alone you would know very lit­tle (or less); for it is the very nature of the Men­tal Plane that it is formed, devel­ops and tran­scends its own lim­its by the com­ing togeth­er of more and more, of an ever grow­ing host of count­less minds that form that greater con­scious­ness, the ones of the One.

The know­ing of this is reflect­ed in your lan­guage which hon­ors this greater truth; that very word “Con­scious­ness” is real­ly made up of two words: Togeth­er (Con), Know­ing (Scious­ness). The word con­scious­ness real­ly means Togeth­er Know­ing! What bet­ter image of the align­ment of the Sun and Mer­cury in Libra could you ask for?

The unfold­ment of the pow­ers of your mind, your capac­i­ty to become know­ing, depends upon each oth­er because it is found­ed upon your rela­tion­ship with one anoth­er. This is the rev­e­la­tion of the Sun and Mer­cury now; you know your­self through, with and because of one another.

Cel­e­brate your know­ing, Together!

Libra New Moon (September 27, 2011)

Take your part­ner by their hand…For now it is time to walk togeth­er, side by side and “oar to oar”…To grow in under­stand­ing and accep­tance of the gift, the gift of being with the beloved.

The sev­enth New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal year is here for you. It releas­es those seed-forms which serve to ever inspire, uplift and guide you in and out and through your relationships.

Though many things remain the same, from day to day and year to year, and that is good, the delight to be found in one anoth­er is often encoun­tered in dis­cov­ery, of new real­iza­tions and bound­aries crossed, about the oth­er, and, of course, about oneself.

This is such a time. You are mov­ing into new spaces of relat­ing; new mean­ings, new feel­ings and forms are wait­ing to find their real­i­ty in your expe­ri­ence of one anoth­er. All that is required is your accep­tance of the Truth of Rela­tion­ship. That you acknowl­edge and live the life that says that all that exists is found­ed upon the One Great Truth: that each and every, one and all…we are all ones of the One.

You are always in rela­tion­ship because of this, because you are That. You are here to live the life that sings the song “We Are All Relat­ed”, and so let go of your dread of separation…for that is the great illu­sion. Let it go…in front of you is your “Self”.

Spir­it nev­er ceas­es; it ever yearns to unfold itself into the wider spaces with­in and with­out. And it now seeks to see itself through the eyes of the oth­er, as you seek to con­nect, touch and feel the assur­ance that comes from the Truth that you are nev­er alone, nev­er ever.

As the Mas­ter Robert Frost so won­der­ful­ly wrote:

Two such as you with such a mas­ter speed
Can­not be part­ed nor be swept away
From one anoth­er once you are agreed
That life is only life forever­more
Togeth­er wing to wing and oar to oar.”

Togeth­er, join hands now…

and always walk the path…Together.

Mercury Enters Libra (September 25, 2011)

Mer­cury dash­es into Libra till Octo­ber 13 and you will need to con­sid­er one anoth­er’s point of view…and then some! The Vir­go analytical/critical approach gives way to poise and grace, to your social sen­si­bil­i­ty; thoughts and com­mu­ni­ca­tions are full of “on the oth­er hands”, of com­par­isons and con­trasts, of give and take…And you try, you strive, you reach for, maybe even achieve…The Balance!

Your mind is occu­pied with con­nect­ing, turned out­ward to the oth­er for your need has always been to be under­stood and so you seek to understand…It has always been so, for your jour­ney, your unfold­ing, expand­ing con­scious­ness depends upon this. To know your­self, to know the oth­er, this is your journey.

And when you see IT, the light of under­stand­ing in the eyes of the other…you know, you just know that you are that much closer…That you are approach­ing the Mystery…

That it is pos­si­ble to pass beyond the Great Illu­sion, to move beyond the appear­ance of sep­a­ra­tion; you hear the won­drous Heart-Song singing at the core of this Cos­mos, and the Veil begins to lift…

You look into one anoth­er’s eyes and know, you tru­ly know and feel that you are one of the ones of the One, and you are head­ing home.
