Daily Archives: September 7, 2011

Mercury Opposition Neptune (September 8, 2011)

This is the third and final, (for now), pass of Mer­cury oppo­site Nep­tune. Because of Mer­cury going ret­ro­grade the first pass was on July 29, the next on August 8 and now this…

Maybe the Uni­verse is try­ing to tell you some­thing? After all this is a most chal­leng­ing prob­lem: How do you per­ceive your world, how do you know what is tru­ly true, and how do you relate and share what you believe to be true with those who accom­pa­ny you?

The ques­tion before you is one that has con­found­ed seek­ers, philoso­phers and sci­en­tists since the begin­ning of time. How should you approach the world around you? How do you devel­op your per­cep­tive fac­ul­ties that are lim­it­ed yet must be employed to move to a high­er lev­el? How do you unfold your per­cep­tive abil­i­ties that must con­stant­ly evolve in depth and sub­tle­ty? How do you come to appre­ci­ate and under­stand the nature of the mul­ti-dimen­sion­al real­i­ty of this world you are unfold­ing within?

This is meant to be hum­bling stuff…and so it is, and that is exact­ly what is called for first, fore­most and for­ev­er, if you wish to walk the Path of Understanding…the one thing you must sac­ri­fice is your ego…you must be Hum­ble. This is what Mer­cury and Nep­tune offer you now…it is a Gift of Humility. 

They offer not cer­tain­ty but doubt, not illu­mi­na­tion but dis­il­lu­sion­ment. Before you can lift the veil and wit­ness the Greater Real­i­ty you real­ly exist in, you must first be dis­en­chant­ed, dis­il­lu­sioned and hum­bled. This is the path, the path of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it that is ever-reach­ing, ever-striv­ing to encom­pass and understand…“That”.

What you are called to wit­ness and expe­ri­ence is not a faith that makes you “Cer­tain”, but an unfold­ment of con­scious­ness that leads to a Liv­ing Faith. That Liv­ing Faith is the sub­stance of the jour­ney that is Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it; and it leads you ever onward, into deep­er ques­tions and high­er real­iza­tions. It is the one true path of under­stand­ing that requires an open, inquir­ing, and self-crit­i­cal con­scious­ness, which at every lev­el of awak­en­ing real­izes that the “des­ti­na­tion” is still ahead. And so the injunc­tion always giv­en to every seek­er is sim­ply, “Walk On!”

For how could it be oth­er­wise? You began as a spark of the Divine, (and always know that in your high­est you are still one with the One). You jour­ney out through many forms, through many worlds and ages in order to know…your true “Self”, in order to become because you are “That”, the Self-Becoming.

You are learn­ing to be patient…you are approach­ing with humility…and you are draw­ing ever clos­er to the mystery…the mys­tery that is you.

Now…Walk on!